Chapter 28: ow.

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Tw: blood/injuries (warned), abuse (warned)

(a/n: hyperpop is my favourite genre again, I'm not doing so well-)

New favourite playlist:

🎶🎵 This Chapter's Song: Scene-Specific

🎶🎵Scene-Specific Song: Kill me and Eat me by Xaxanity (can be found on playlist)

- Quackity pov, two days later (the present) -

I open my eyes with a sigh.

Ugh, I'm alive.

I get up off the floor, having slept in the only clothes I've worn since I got here. I refuse to wear anything else, because they're all dresses and skirts. My body's in agony. 

He's unconscious on the bed, as usual. 

Looks like I have some time this morning.

I stumble into the bathroom, checking over various complaints.

❗Start of tw for blood and injuries! Scroll to end of trigger! ❗

Purple bruises turning a greenish yellow, cuts oozing crimson blood, the scabs on my chest slowly becoming scars.

It's almost beautiful- in a gory, twisted kind of way.

I decide to check my arm for the first time since it was dressed.

Okay I'm no doctor but that doesn't look good. 

How, though, out of all of the undressed wounds I have, did the one wrapped in sterile bandages get infected?

(a/n: honestly the amount of times my wounds have gone undressed and unsanitized, I'm surprised I haven't ever gotten a serious infection.)

❗end of tw❗

Never mind. I go downstairs, into the living room, looking through everything again. Suddenly there's a knock at the door. A missing person poster falls through the mail hole. 

A missing person poster with me on it. 

I grab a pen, scrawl WINDOW on the poster, and push it back through.

I get over to the window, just as Karl looks over at it. I bash the window. He comes over to it, pulling out his phone and typing something.

 'I'm getting you out of there.'

 I shake my head. I hope Karl can lip read.

'I can't get out. I'm stuck. If he's got me once he can get me again.'


 'Not the time. Get Eret.'


 'Eret. Their Majesty. Crown Fruit.'

 'What? Why?'

'Just tell them it's the bad house, take a picture of me if you have to.'

 'What happened to you?'

'Not the time. Get Eret.'

 "Little bird, where are youuuu?" HE calls down the stairs. 

'Get down! Get away from here! He's awake.'



Karl ducks out of sight, just as HE comes down the stairs.

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