Chapter 12: joy

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tw: swearing

-Quackity pov, the present-

We stood hugging, all the cares in the world just- gone.

It's just past 12 midday. We moved onto the couch.

 "I know I've already said it, but I love you. Both of you." I said.

"We love you too." Karl said.

"Karl's right, you know. Also, don't we have stuff to move back where it belongs?" Sapnap said.

"Yeah! I'll be right back." I went upstairs and into Guest One.

"So?" Puffy asked.

"It went great, we're moving my stuff back now."

"Good. With that I will take my leave. Have a great day, I'm headed to the hangout house building site!" Puffy climbed out of the window. 

"Don't fall!" I said, head out of the window to watch her climb.

Puffy being Puffy, she then let go of the vines and broke her fall with a water bucket.


"What? I'm not allowed to practice my MLG's?!"

"Not from the side of my house you're not!!"

"Grumpy ducko."

"I'm NOT a ducko!"

She sniggered. "Ducko." She then ran off.


 "Quack?" Sapnap was by the door.

"Hey Sap. You good?"

"Yeah. I presume Puffy MLG'd out of the window?"


"Ducko." He smiled at me.


"Yes." Karl said. He was standing in the hallway, just behind the wall. He had poked his head around the doorway. "Ducko."

"Noooooooo, not ducko!" I said. They looked at me. They looked at each other. They looked back at me.

"Ducko." They said in unison.

"You're kidding meeeeee!"

(a/n: quack's face is the literal embodiment of ;u; right now. Change my mind.)

We all started laughing. A lot.

"Also, Karl?" I said.

"Mhm?" He and Sapnap walked properly into the room.

"You look really cute as a cat." 

Karl laughed, coughed and wheezed at the same time. Sapnap also wheezed.

As Karl laugh-cough-wheezed, he turned into a duck. He quacked playfully. He realised he quacked. He looked down at his duck feet. He quacked again, this time an "are you kidding me" kind of quack.

 I looked at Sapnap. Sapnap looked at me.

 "Ducko." We said to Karl.

 He ran downstairs.

 "Karl! Wait!" I ran downstairs after him, Sapnap following.


 "What do you mean-OHMYGODDUCKKARLHASAKNIFE!" He yelled.

Karl looked playfully at us. He put the knife down, picked up a pen in his beak, and wrote on the fridge notepad.

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