Look after yourself!!

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This is a self care checkpoint!!

Put your device down\ step away from the computer for a sec!

 Stretch, even if you're not that flexible you can still try!

 Go grab a cup of water, or a cup of tea, or anything really as long as it's not damaging! Even energy drinks are alright in small amounts!

 Grab some food! It doesn't matter what it is, or how big or small it is. Just try your best to eat something! If you can't that's perfectly fine, you can always try later!

Take some deep breaths! If you wear a binder, then make sure you use it safely! Don't bind for more than 8 hours, okay? I know it can be hard sometimes!

Set yourself a bedtime and try to make sure you get 8 hours of sleep at least, if you can't sleep then grab a comfort item like a stuffie, or maybe put some relaxing music on!

And lastly! Remember that you are loved and valid, no matter your gender, sexuality, race, religion, or anything else that sets you apart! The only things we don't support here are transphobia, homophobia, racism, and discrimination! Also MAPs and zoophiles. They can all just hippity hoppity get off our property  >:(

Pronoun check!!

don't forget, even if you feel alone, you aren't! there's always someone sharing your struggles! once again, you are loved! <3


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