Chapter 26: healing (short pride special!)

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happy pride month everyone!!!

Fruity people, it's time to be prideful!

Allies, keep doing what you're doing!

Everyone else, prepage to be ignored!

the timing of this chapter is actually amazing-

🎵🎶This Chapter's Song: Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown

Tw: scars/wounds (medical, whole chapter)

- Quackity pov, a few months later (the present) -

I walk down into the kitchen, and as I reach up into the cupboard to get a mug, a sharp pain goes through my entire chest. "Agh! Sapnap, can you get me a mug?" I ask.

 Sapnap stands up, grabs me a mug and starts making me a coffee. "Go sit down, you need to get your rest."

 "It's been a week, you'd think I'd actually be able to move by now." 

 "Sorry hun. Doctor's orders." Karl smiles, and pats the sofa next to him. 

 I sit down awkwardly, and as I flop back into the cushions, I jolt my chest because of course I do. EVERYTHING HURTS TO DO AND I WANT TO SCREAM.

- a week earlier -

I'm being carried home by Sapnap, Karl is walking to our right. All of a sudden, Karl ties Sapnap's bandana around my eyes. 

"Hey!! Give me back my eyes!" I laugh. "Ow." It hurts to laugh. 

"No. Not till we're by the house."

"Whyyyyy?" I complain.

"It's a surprise." Karl says. I can't see him, but I can hear the smile in his voice.

I can hear laughing from what I assume to be the house, and something hushed, and then everything is silent.

Someone sneezes.

A few birds do a birdy thing.

I am so sensitive to noise that I swear to Prime I can hear a ladybird walking on a leaf across the road.

I carefully get placed on a chair. Feels like a plastic lawn chair.

 "Okay, lift the bandana!" Karl says excitedly.

 Someone sneezes again.

I take the bandana off my eyes. 

All of a sudden, people start whooping and cheering. There's a banner hung on the house that just says "WOOOOOOP". I start laughing, forgetting that it hurts, but also just not caring.

In the throng of people are Fundy, Eret, Puffy, Niki, Charlie, Wilbur, Bad, Maia, and Skeppy, all of whom are really really excited. 

They all sort of rush me excitedly, saying various things.

"Guys, gals and other-shaped pals, all due respect, but I can't talk to everyone at the same time!" I laugh. "Ow."

 "You alright dude?" Puffy asks.

 "Mentally I feel amazing, physically I've just been chopped up and put back together, so what do you think?" Puffy started laughing uncontrollably.

Fundy sneezes. "Sorry dude, hayfever." 

"No worries. Bless you."

"Oh yeah! Here." He hands me a hand-painted card with "happy boob banishment" on it. I start laughing again. 

 The festivities continue, and by the evening I'm completely wiped out, so everyone goes home and we all go inside and go to sleep.

473 words without ending a/n! Sorry it's short!!

a/n: tittie snippie.



Fly your colours! Blast queer songs at top volume! Be yourself! Wear those pronoun pins! Go to that parade! In short, BE PRIDEFUL!

Oh, and allies! Keep being supportive and doing ally things!

(If you're closeted, then happy pride to you too! I hope coming out goes well, whenever you choose to do it! :D)


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