Chapter 4- what the f***

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Tws for this chapter: swearing(whole chapter)

🎵🎶 This Chapter's Song: With by Zev

I step through the nether portal.

The familiar feeling of nausea and spinning hits me as the purple swirls fade out to the nether. I stumble forward, and fall over. The nether brick of the highway slaps me in the face. Well, I mean I guess I fell into it. I get back up as Eret comes through.  We walk a few blocks to a boat, and climb in. The ice highway took a LONG time to build.

A few minutes later, we arrive at Kinoko's main portal. We step through it, and after the nausea and falling over (again, yes) we walk to the construction site. 

 "Eret? Quackity? QUACKITY! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Karl's panicked voice, belonging to Karl's panicked body, runs over to us. "What happened!? No offense Your Majesty, but if you hurt him I will fucking kill you-"

 "They didn't." I say. I'm alarmed that he threatened Eret, happy that he's concerned-meaning he cares- and I want to laugh at the fact he jumped to conclusions again.

 "Okay good. But what happened?" Niki, Puffy and Bad have come over to see why Karl yelled. They're just as worried as Karl.

 "Oh my goodness, Quackity are you okay?!"

 "Quack! You alright?!"

 "What in the muffin happened to you?!" 

 "It's okay, I just hurt myself in the forest. I crashed again." I brush off their concern.

 "Again?" Niki questions.

 "I never really got the hang of flying, I'm not that good at it." I explain. Of course, it's a lie. But the truth is hard to handle, and this is a relatively happy moment. So no truth for now.

 "Oh. Okay."

 "He messaged me given that he was close to the palace, and I brought him back and patched him up, and then we headed here via Nether." Eret adds. Thank Prime she realised I didn't want to tell them all about the Schlatt encounter. 

Karl seems sceptical, but he doesn't ask any further. 

 "So, shall we build this mushroom house or what?!" I joke. 

"Can I join the project? It seems fun." Eret asks.

 "Of course you can! Everyone's here now, so let's go!" 

Puffy calls a meeting. We have three double chests, full of all the materials everyone has contributed. The blueprints are all drawn up, and we get to work. Niki and George are gathering more dark oak because we've run out already, Dream, Bad and Phil are setting out a frame, and everyone else is filling in said frame. I'm helping as much as I can. By the time the sun starts to set, the house is half finished. We say our goodbyes and head home. 

As Karl and I walk in, Sapnap yells "Wait up! I'm home too!" I hold the door for him and Sap asks what happened. I explain again with the same lie.

"How long are you out of action for?" He asks.

"My arm should be better the day after tomorrow, my wing needs a week or so."

 "Okay. Good." He seems... Distant? Cold?

"Are you okay Sap? You seem a bit sad." 

"No, no I'm fine. Just tired." He's lying, but I decide to not press any further. We all have things we keep from each other, and that's okay. I mean I have at least two major secrets I'm keeping from them, and I only plan on ever telling them one. So this? This is nothing.

Karl gets us some food from the fridge. It's a small meal, and we eat in silence. "If you don't mind, I'm going to take a walk. I need to get some fresh air." I say, getting up from the table. Karl nods. Sapnap doesn't reply. I hear upstairs to grab my sword- it is night, and there are mobs out after all- and check my ender chest, taking off my sports binder and putting it in. Yep, everything is fine. Good. I closed it, not noticing the small clink of a glass bottle falling onto the floor.

That was my first mistake of the evening.

684 words without ending a/n! Sorry it's short😅

So you know what I said last chapter?

Welp, my last week has been:

Jubilee Line: blasting alongside Alien Blues

Pencil sharpener: lost it in an ASDA 

Mental breakdown: yep

Sleep: more like sleepn't 

Food: eh, I've eaten once 

Binder: I've taken it off twice for PE lessons

Hotel: fucking Trivago

don't forget to take binder breaks, eat if you can, and hydrate, remember it's okay to not be okay


Originally written 4-8 January 2022!

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