Chapter 10- Timeshifter

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Tw: disorientation (warned)

❗start of tw for disorientation❗

- Karl pov, time unknown -

I wake up. Alone. In the forest. How the honk am I here. I get my bearings and run to the house. 

It's burning.

 "No. This can't be real. It's a nightmare. It's all okay." The flames continue to burn. There's a blue scarf hanging out of one of the left hand windows. I reach for my phone.

No network connection found

Try going to higher ground or somewhere with a clear sky. Or a different dimension.

Wait. That means. Two copies of the same phone can't run at the same time, right?

I run to Kinoko Kingdom.

There's fighting in the Fortress. How?! Why?! When?!

As I run through the country- being careful to not get spotted- I notice a few things:

The mushroom hangout house no longer exists- just a hole

The forest surrounding Kinoko Kingdom is on fire

Most of the buildings are either wrecked or burning

There's initials everywhere- FOHP? They're scratched into buildings, painted, and burnt into places.

I run to the Fortress. There's definitely fighting - there are shouts and clashes.

I run in, being careful to not get spotted. I notice in a corner, Quackity and me. Sapnap is nowhere to be seen. 

This hasn't happened in history, so I'm not in the past.

It can't be the present because there are two versions of me.

That means this is the future...

That chills me to the bone.

 I stare future me in the eyes. He's the only person I can look at. I can hear screaming on all sides of me.

He stares back.

The world fades out as I murmur.

 "Keep fighting for them. For us." 

❕end of tw❕

 - Karl pov, present day -

I wake up.

That wasn't a dream, right?

Saying that, I almost always sleep when I time travel- otherwise there'd be three versions of me conscious which would be too much for the space-time continuum.

Ah, science.

I look down at my hands. Shit. They're not hands.

They're paws. 

That explains why everything looks so big.

I jump down from the bed.

Dammit, I would kill for some salmon.

I would also kill Puffy.

Kill Puffy for salmon?

No. Ugh. Cat instincts.

I pattered out of the bedroom and down the hall.

 "Karl?" Sapnap said. "Karl, where are you?"

 I meowed, forgetting that I was going to meow.

Sapnap went into the hall.

"Hey kitty cat, have you seen Karl?" I nodded. 

"You have? I'm probably crazy. Why am I following a cat? Why am I talking to a cat? Saying that, we live in a world with potions are real, people can fly, and people can be allergic to rain but not lava." I walked downstairs into the kitchen. 

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