Chapter 3- deja vu.

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TWs: swearing (whole chapter.) Injury detail (warned beforehand) and arguing (warned.) SUMMARY AT THE END

🎵🎶This Chapter's Song: Wires by The Neighbourhood

 -Quackity pov-

 "Hey, bitch, over here."

 Schlatt stops running and so do I. I turn towards the voice. 


 "Yep, it's me." I run over to him the best I can. The adrenaline starts draining out of me and I collapse to my knees next to them. Schlatt tries to walk over, but Eret has her bow out and pointed at Schlatt's head quicker than you can say 'transphobic'. 


 "Woah there, no need to be hostile, Your Majesty."  Schlatt puts his hands up. "I was just... Talking to Alexis here." He points to me.

 "HIS name is Alex. And talking doesn't involve screams of pain."

 "It does when Schlatt's involved." I glare at Schlatt.

 "Alexis. That was HIGHLY uncalled for." He says to me.

 "So was twisting my arm when it was obviously already hurt." I growl.

 "He fucking WHAT?!" Eret yells. "You're an asshole." 

 "I know." Schlatt smiles.

 "Just fuck off, you're not going to touch Alex."


 "That's an order."

 "Okay, Your MAJESTY." His voice is dripping with sarcasm, but he backs off and disappears into the forest with Eret's bow trained to his head.


Eret helps me up and gives me his shoulder, and we start heading to the palace. "Thanks." I say. 

 "Hey, it's what friends do. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you to come here."

 "It's not your fault Eret. I should never have tried so hard to fly knowing I shouldn't. It just felt freeing, y'know? To feel the wind." 

 "It must be awesome. I've never flown."

 "I thought you had an elytra?"

 "I've never used it, I've always been too scared. Funny, that. Not scared to rule an entire world, but too chicken to use an elytra."

They laugh. We're quite close to the palace now. There's a rustle behind us. I let go of Eret and we turn around, he has their sword at the ready.

A duck waddles out of the bushes. "Awww hey there little one, you're far away from a lake. Are you lost?" I know the duck can't talk back, but I don't care. I bend down letting out a hiss of pain. They flap and flutter onto my shoulder. Eret puts away her sword.

 "BENSON?! Benson where are you?!" Tubbo's voice comes through the trees. 

 "Tubbo?!" Eret yells. Tubbo runs over towards us. 

 "Your Majesty- hello- have you seen-" Tubbo looks at the duck on my shoulder. "Benson! How did you find him?" 

 "He waddled into our path." I reply. Tubbo takes Benson from my shoulder. "Holy- Quackity, what happened to you?!" 

 "He ran into someone, I'm taking Quack back to the palace so we can sort him out."

 "Oh okay!" Tubbo smiles. "Bye, have a great day! Thanks for finding Benson!" He walks off with his duck in his arms, and we continue walking to the palace. 

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