Chapter 19: realised

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Tw: arguing (warned), gore (warned)

-Bad pov, the following morning-

I woke up in a strange place, an arm around me. I panic for a moment. 

Then I remembered.

I was in my house in the Overworld, and the arm was Skeppy's. He was holding Sapnap in his other arm.

 "Awake, I see. Hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of washing Sapnap. He did stink quite a bit."

"He? Noted."

"Yep. Tea?"


Skeppy gets up, passing Sapnap to me, and starts to prepare the tea. Sapnap burbles in my arms, smiling. He's adorable.

 I take him outside, and feed the chickens. He laughs at their clucking.

"Tea's ready!" Skeppy shouts from inside. "And there's mashed apple for Sapnap!" 

We go back inside, and I notice a red fabric bag on my bed.

It can't be.

That's back home - no, that's back in the void. Not home anymore. 

I pass Sapnap to Skeppy, not taking my eyes off of the bag.

"Hey, Bad, are you okay?" I don't answer, crossing the room to the bag. 

Still not believing it's actually there, I sit down next to it. "Hey, Skeppy, this is gonna sound weird, but do you see the bag next to me?"

 "Yeah, why? Is it not yours?"

 "Not... Quite."

 I unzip it, not looking at its contents, and check the label inside. It can't be.

 'This bag belongs to Maia Nyx.'

It can't be, but it is.



 "This is Maia's."

He gasps. "What?!"

 "This is Maia's." I repeat.

 "But she-"

 "I'm aware of that."

 I look inside it. There's a silver locket, food, my lucky hoodie, her knitted sweater, a change of clothes, and soap. Under that, in the secret compartment that Maia sewed in when she was smaller, is Rat, my dog plushie. She's the only plushie I've ever owned. And a letter.

Skeppy has come over, leaving the tea on the table. He sits next to me, worry written all over his face. 

"What does it say?"

"I don't know. I'm not sure if I can read it."

"Would you like me to read it to you?"

 "Yes." I pass the letter to him, hugging Rat to me.

 " 'Halo.

I figured out a way to get this to you. It's the same way Father sent you here. I zeroed in on your void energy to get it somewhere you'd find. Because Father can sense all void links, this is a one-off and I will be punished. 

Also, your void energy will fade over time, so in a few weeks I wouldn't be able to get anything to you anyway.' -"

 "WEEKS?!" I shout. "But I've lived there all my life..."

 " 'I know, you're shocked. I read about it in Father's journals. It doesn't impact you physically other than a bit of tiredness. However, even though it will fade, it doesn't go away completely. I would still be able to get something within 100 miles of you even 20 years from now.

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