chapter 25: time.

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imagine sleeping

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imagine sleeping


- Sapnap pov, later that day (the present) -

 "Alright, so, there's someone you both need to meet. Who I haven't actually met ever. We all need to meet her." I say, tripping over my words.

 "Alright, when?" Karl asks.

 "Today maybe?"

 "Where would we meet this person?" Quack asks.



- Quackity pov, an hour later -

We arrive at Bad's. I have a sneaking feeling I've met this person, but I can't be sure.

"Sapnap, Karl, Quackity! Come in, come in." Bad ushers us into the living room. 

A familiar figure sits on the sofa, and she smiles.

"Sapnap, this is your Auntie Maia. Boys, this is my sister, Maia." Bad grins.

"I think we've met." I chuckle slightly.

"She did mention a winged person taking her to the palace, but I kind of assumed Phil."


"So you're the blaze baby?" Maia asks.

 "Yeah, my name's Sapnap..." He seems somewhat bashful.

 "I always wondered who you were. If your dad here didn't fill you in, I can sense auras. Or I could? The ability will fade soon as I've left the Void." She explains. "I kind of watched you grow up, but I never knew who you actually were."

 "Skeppy here is the diamond who took such good care of you and my big brother, and you're Sapnap, and that over there is Quackity- or Alex? Forgive me, swirly sweater man, but I seem to have missed your name?" She asks Karl.

 "I'm Karl, and I'm not sure if you can get that from my aura but I can shapeshift and also time travel. I'm just a human though."

 "Hm. Your aura says otherwise, but I guess DNA explains better than auras."

 "Yeah, I guess."  He laughs. 

 "Maia?" Sapnap says.


 "Do you dislike me for taking your brother away?" He asks, quieter than I've ever heard him.

 "What kind of question is that? Of course not! You were an infant, you couldn't help your circumstances, Sapnap. And you didn't take him away. Seron did. Not you." She explains deftly. 

"It's simple; on that day, you became family, Seron stopped being family. And guess what? I love my family, no matter how many big brothers they didn't steal from me." She stands up and hugs Sapnap. Sapnap smiles, any doubts he had immediately vanquished by Maia's reassuring way with words. 

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