Chapter 14: party planners

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Tw: yelling (playful!)

 (quick a/n: this one is important, don't skip it I beg)

- Quackity pov, the present -

❗start of tw for yelling❗

I woke up to a shout for the second day in a row.


 "NO I'M NOT!"




❕end of tw❕

 Not this again....

I checked my phone.

7:30 am.

Are you kidding me.

I rolled out of bed, grabbed my big hoodie, put it on, and stumbled my way downstairs.

"Not this again. I thought we'd agreed to disagree..."

 "Shit- sorry- did we wake you?" Karl said.


 "Sorry... " he murmured.

"It's fine, it's not like I'm missing 3 hours of sleep or anything... " I hugged them both.

We had a small breakfast. 

 "Hey, umm, guys?" Sapnap said.

 "Mhm?" Karl replied.

 "What is it?" I asked.

 "I was thinking we could invite some of our friends for a dinner party later?" He suggested.

 "Small question-" I started.

 "I'm perfectly fine with you bringing Puffy." He said.

 "Me too." Karl added.

 "Okay cool thanks!"

 "Soooooo, do we start choosing who's coming? Keep in mind we only have 11 chairs- well 14 technically." Karl said.

 "Good plan. I'm just saying, I really want Eret, Ranboo, Puffy, Niki and Fundy over." I stated.

 "That's cool, I just want to make sure everyone's happy. I don't really mind." Karl agreed.

 "My dads are definitely coming, there's no way they'd let me get away with it otherwise..." Sapnap said. "Oh, and Dream and George."

 "That leaves us with 2 extras." I said.

 "Keep in mind, some of them have kids to think about?" Karl said.

 "Yeah- umm- that-"

 "Kids table." Sapnap said.

 "Since when do we have a kids table??" Karl asked.

 "Since we had the ability to go and craft one??" Sapnap suggested sarcastically. 

 "Oh- yeah- we could do that-"

 "That's actually really smart." I agreed.

 "Okay so the two other chairs?" Karl asked.

 "What about Tubbo? After all it would be kind of rude to invite Ranboo and not him." I suggested.

 "Okay, Tubbo. Who else?" Sapnap said.

 "We could just leave it empty-" Karl started.

 "Charlie." I said.

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