Chapter 7: nonononono

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Tw: swearing, panic attack, mention of drugs, sh

I woke up to a yell from the kitchen. 


 "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Michelle yelled defiantly.


 "But I have to get Berry..."

 "I'll get him. Just GET OFF THE FRIDGE!"

 "Otay!" There was a bump, a scrabble, and the screech of a chair being dragged across a floor.

 "It's too early for this..." I groaned. I checked the time on my phone. "Are you kidding me." It was dead. I wandered into the hallway, beanie askew, and went downstairs. 

 "Puffy..?" I walked into the kitchen.

 "Oh god, did I wake you?" She said, Michelle grabbing a bear from her hands.

 "What, you mean 'MICHELLE EVERLEIGH NIHACHU GET OFF THE FRIDGE'?" I said sarcastically.

 "I'm so sorry-" 

 "It's okay, better than 'SAPNAP PUT DOWN THE HONKING CHEESE' at three in the morning."

 "I- wait, what?"

 "Looooooong story."

 "Okay then. Did you need something?"

 "Do you have a USB-c charger? My phone died."

 "Oh- yeah, in the wall plug over there."

 I plug my phone in. "What time is it?"

 "Time you got a watch- I'M KIDDING! It's 8:30 in the morning."

 "Ugggggghhhhh, too early."

 "Sorry. Michelle and Yoghurt have to go to school, and you know..." 

"Yeah. Inevitable child chaos. Where's Niki?"

"Grabbing groceries."

"Alright, so I'm clear to go grab stuff?"


 "Good good." I go back upstairs and into Niki and Puffy's room. I open the ender chest and grab my sports binder. 

That's when I noticed.

You know last night when I said it was fine after I checked my stuff?

It wasn't.

There was a bottle of T missing.

I counted them to make sure.

Nope, there was.

"Oh no no no no. This is bad."

"Unky Alex? What bad?" Michelle asked.

"Not right now Michelle. Leave me alone. It's fine. It's all fine."

"Oki...." She walked off.

❗start of tw for panic attack and mention of drugs❗

"It's not fine."

"It's all gone wrong."

"There isn't a T bottle around here, so it's at the house."

"They probably know."

"Or they think their boyfriend is a fucking junkie."

"It's all gone wrong."

"It's all gone wrong and it's my fault."

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