Chapter 2- oh no.

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TWS FOR THIS CHAPTER: swearing, transphobia, deadnaming\misgendering, gender dysphoria, injury detail, blood. These are for the whole chapter, so just skip if you have to. SUMMARY AT THE END 

🎵🎶This Chapter's Song: Transgender by Crystal Castles

-Quackity pov-

 "Alexis! Wait a second!"


I fly faster.

 "WAIT!" he calls. He started chasing me from the ground.


 "Aw come on Alexis, you know it's just me." The word feels like a knife in my back.


 "Alexis I-"

 "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" The palace is in sight. I put on a burst of speed, when-

Fuck. THAT'S why you don't fly with damaged wings. I drop from the sky. Luckily I've put some distance between me and him, so even if I crashland I should be able to stay ahead. I tuck into a ball. 


My wings won't move. They're sticking out like branches. 

Not good not good not good not good -


Pain racks my entire being. I open my eyes and look at my body. It's covered in cuts and marks. I try to move my left arm. It hurts. A lot. More than it should. I look at it. Oh no. I grab my phone, thankfully unbroken, with my right. 

                 Their Majesty the Crown Fruit ✨

Quack: HELP.

Eret: oh shit, what happened

Quack: crashed, trying to get away. In the forest near the palace.

Eret: from what..?

Quack: Him.

Eret: shit. Be right there.

Eret went offline.

Quack went offline.


 I get up- shit my leg hurts- and start running to the palace. 

-Eret pov-


Quack's in danger and it's my fault. Nonononono. I grab my netherite sword and put my armour on, grabbing my bow and arrows from the rack by the door.

Gotta find Quackity.

Gotta find him now. 

I run towards the forest and into the trees. "Quack?!" I yell. "Quack, are you okay?!"

Five minutes later I stumble into a clearing, more like a gap inbetween trees, and look up. Looks like this is where Quackity crashed. But he's not there now. There's - Oh no. There's blood on the forest floor. 'he's probably just a bit wounded. He'll be okay.' I think desperately. 

I hear a scream.

-Quackity pov- 

I'm running through the forest, hopefully not in circles, when I slip on a tripwire. Shit it hurts. I scream. 

 "Alexis." He bursts into the clearing I'm in. 

 "Schlatt." I reply through gritted teeth as I sit up and stand. "You're an asshole, you know that?" 

 "Woah, no need to be so rude. I just want to talk."

 "Yeah right. When do you EVER 'just' want to talk. There's always something else."

 "Well I could always-" he grabs my left arm, my hurt one- "give you some hell, couldn't I Alexis." He twists it, and I scream again.

"Fuck you." I reply, tears in my eyes. "I hate you." 

 "I know." I can hear the cocky smirk in his voice. He walks closer, practically breathing down my neck, and I start running again. 

 "Hey, bitch, over here." Schlatt stops chasing me. I stop too and turn towards the voice. 

Deja vu much?


 537 words without ending a/n!

A/N: hehe cliffhanger go brrrr. 

sleep schedule also go brrrr



Have a great day/night, drink or eat if you can, try to get some sleep, and don't forget to take binder breaks!

Ffarwelio fy ffrindiau!

(Bye my friends!)


Originally written 29 December 2021-1 January 2022! Yes, I was writing Karlnapity fanfiction on New year's day. I was also writing Karlnapity fanfiction on Boxing Day, what's your point? I have no social life ;-;

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