Chapter 5

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Published: 1/1/22

No one's POV

Most of the young shadowhunters and downworlders had gone through the portal and were escorted by a member of the guard as not everyone had been to the Idris town hall let alone Idris at all. To make sure everyone arrived at the same place without getting stuck in limbo, sneaking out somewhere else or getting lost a member places their hand on the persons shoulder and enters the portal with them for the guard member to return a few moments later from the second open portal. As Clary stepped forward to be sent through next Jace growled as the guard member took hold of Clary's shoulder. He stepped forward between them breaking the mans contact with his girlfriend. "I've been to Idris's town hall. I'll take her." Jace said firmly. Clary slide an arm around his waist and kissed the back of his neck. The man in front of Jace dressed in uniform looked unaffected by Jace's threatening behaviour. But his rattled, shaking voice proved otherwise, destroying the mans act. "I ...I.. I'm not allowed to... to do that Mr.Herondale." The guards man said fear evident in his voice. "I...I.. I think you can!" Jace mocked back. The dark haired middle aged man looked taken back. "Didn't mommy ever love you enough to teach you to respect your elders, oh that's right Herondale, you never had one because she took her life, or was it that dear old daddy took her life, you know I don't know and I don't care. I'm in charge and I'm telling you to back down and step aside." The man replied with rising anger and a frown. The mans commentary didn't sit well with Clary, and her emotions were acting faster than she could think. She stepped aside and walked up to the man and slapped him hard across the face leaving a red mark on his cheek. "Don't you dare!" She said through clenched teeth. Jace pulled her back and dragged her away from the guard member, cursing under his breath. To say that Jace was not in a good mood and that they had just caused a scene was an understatement Clary thought. "Clary you shouldn't have done that, let me handle these idiots." Jace said. Clary almost broke free from Jace's firm grip as she fell to the ground screaming out in pain as she had just been whacked in the side of her waist by the mans guard baton. Jace stopped immediately looking at the scene in front of him and his overprotective rage exploded as he grabbed hold of the mans throat lifting him up in the air and repeatedly punched him in the ribs and dropped the man with a final blow to the face. The man dropped to the cold institute floor unconscious. Clary had regained her strength and went to Jace to stop him from doing more damage. The mans face was bleeding and no doubt so was his ribs. No other guard went to stop Jace's outburst as they were all fully aware of who Jace was and they were terrified to ever get in his way especially with the knowledge that he was the inquisitors grandson. A few guards dragged the man away and into an infirmary room as Jace took Clary in his arms. They were both a bit shaken up, Jace didn't care about his consequences but he was afraid that if word got out that Clary assaulted a guards member as well she would be punished and he wouldn't let that happen. "Are you ok?" Jace asked moving his head so he could look her in the eyes. "I'm fine. You?" She asked. "How's your stomach?" Jace replied avoiding her question. "Nothing an iratze couldn't fix." She said trying to calm the mood. "May I see it?" Jace asked softly. Clary nodded and lifted her shirt high enough for him to see her healed pale skin. Jace slide his fingers gently across her bare skin and clenched his jaw. "We should get going." Clary whispered dropping her shirt. The two walked through the portal with Jace's hand protectively over Clary's shoulder and the company of another guards man carrying their baggage as they walked through entering Idris's town hall. Clary was surprised that Jace hadn't brought the two of them somewhere else.

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