Chapter 16

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Published: 2/1/22

No one's POV

Raphael came vamp speeding towards them with a girl behind him. As they stopped Simon and Izzy realised it was Rebecca, Simon's older sister. "Becky" Simon yelled in confusion and excitement, he hadn't seen his sister in months. Izzy smiled at how cute and protective Simon got around his sister. "Simon hey." Becky replied contently. He pulled away holding onto her arms and looking her in the face. "What are you doing here? how are you even here?" She looked at Raphael and he answered Simon for her. "After your crazy voicemail you sent her about everything that's going on she took the first flight back. She was wondering the streets and bumped into a vampire - werewolf breakdown. Everyone's pissed at the clave, they want revenge and so they decided to go behind Luke and I's back and recruit mundanes. Unfortunately for your sister the wolves and vamps were fighting over her as they somehow knew she's your sister and she got scratched and drained of blood at the same time. Luckily I came just in time and saved her but somehow instead of turning into either one of them she turned into both. Simon that only ever happens if parents mate other than that, the only time it's ever happened in her situation was around 100 years ago, and he got burned at the stake for it. This kinda thing doesn't just happen. Your sister is special and I promise you I can keep her safe and help her adjust into her new life." Raphael said pleading. "Becky I am so so sorry. This is all my fault. How can we change her back?-" Simon said a tear rolling down his cheek. Becky wiped it away and spilt a tear of her own. "Simon there's no changing back. But I'll be fine, with Raphael's help I'll learn to adapt to my new life just like you have, and I know it's not easy but hey at least we'll be going through this together right." They hugged tightly for a minute before Simon released her and hugged Raphael who stood there like a log staring at Becky. "Thank you, for looking after her." Simon said. "Come on hug me back, you know you want to. Come on we're going through something." Simon said half comically. Raphael rolled his eyes and lightly hugged Simon back. Simon grinned and Izzy and Becky laughed as they finished greeting each other. "Why are you here again?" Simon questioned, his expression more relaxed as he trusted Raphael to look after his sister. The two had sorted through all their problems and now they were good friends, but Raphael wasn't much of a hugger, he only reserved that for his sister Rosa, Izzy and now Becky. In the short time he had known her he had grown quite quick to like her. She reminded him of a slightly more serious, more intelligent, and beautiful female version of Simon. "We're here because the clave-" Becky started and Raphael and Simon made gaging noises and rolled their eyes, "was hunting down any shadowhunter of downworlder under the age of 21 or whatever and because I'm not 21 yet I have to attend some magical school in the middle of a magical nonexistent country, even though I already graduated high school. Now isn't that great." Becky finished with a fake smile, her expression showing and dripping with frustration. "After she dug herself out of her grave as a werewolf obviously she freaked out but knowing about your situation it definitely helped her get used to the idea. Anyway she ran away and I chased and found her and she was freaking out a bit, I was making sure she was ok and I got her some clothes after her werewolf transformation back into her human form, some guardsman started hunting after us so we decided to head to the Kansas City institute and went through their portal to come to you." Raphael added. "Oh ok. Are you ok big sis?" Simon asked, Becky sighed and replied "as best as I can be right." "But how did they know you were under 21?" Jordan asked, "the clave has invented many new things recently, one of them being an age detector." Aline said informing the group.

Izzy blushed by a fraction but enough for Raphael to notice as Raphael went and gave Izzy a passionate but quick kiss on the cheek, he knew she was off limits now but he couldn't help how he felt about her, they were getting over each other but they knew they would always be special to each other. Becky hid the small jealousy that pinged in the pit of her stomach, she rarely got jealous and she didn't know why she was but she was and she would just have to accept and deal with it. She moved on from her gaze at Raphael and began to chat to Jordan and Maia, and introduced herself to Bat and Aline. She had met Jordan and Maia once before but never Bat or Aline. Raphael walked behind Becky and placed a hand on her back. She smiled as she felt his warm hand glide on her back to her shoulder. She looked up at him and he gave her one of his rare smiles. The ones he only showed the people he liked, the one that could light up a whole room. He tilted his head down above hers, "we should go meet the others if you want?" He said softy. She couldn't believe that for a vampire especially as old as he is, he only radiated heat and warmth off of his slightly pale skin. She got butterflies as he spoke to her with such gentleness. The kind of gentleness that made her legs feel like jelly. She couldn't understand why she liked him so much or why he might have liked her. "Yeah that sounds good." She replied with a smile, showing off her white straight teeth. Everyone in the shadowworld seemed to all have perfect white and straight teeth, all except demons of course. They both looked at Simon who was giggling with a serious Isabelle. "Simon. We're going to take off and meet with Magnus. He might have some more information on her situation that could help." "Alight. But hey just because your not with my girlfriend anymore doesn't mean you can have my sister." Simon warned although as serious as he was trying to come off as, he didn't sound that bothered if it would happen. "And if it did happen what would you do about it Simon." Becky said folding her arms and giggling as Izzy smirked at her. Simon looked a bit surprise at her question, "well I would, I would...." Simon started with a loss for words sounding tough. He sighed and glanced down at the ground and back at his sister. "I would be happy if your happy." Becky and Izzy laughed and she kissed her brother on the cheek before walking through the crowd. Raphael chuckled and smirked at his friend, Simon grabbed his collar pulling him towards him. "But I would take that ring away from you if you hurt her." He released Raphael and he weaved through the crowd to catch up with Becky.

Raphael wore a mat black rounded ring on his right index finger. The ring was created and gifted to him by Izzy. It was made with mat black wrapped gold with Clary's Angel blood pulsing in  the centre of it. But he was still unaware that it was pure Angel blood. It allowed him to be able to walk in the sunlight just like a daylighter when he wore it. Izzy called the ring 'Angels Wing', it meant that the vampire who wore it wouldn't be affected by sunlight and it would be like being protected under the angels wing. Izzy was sneaky to add in 'angels' because she thought of it as literal, whereas Raphael took it metaphorically.

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