Chapter 41 "praying for a miracle"

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Meredith's Point-of View

"Okay." Cristina hissed as she shook out her sire hand, "Why on earth did you ask me to be in here with you?"

"I thought that's what friends were for?" I panted as the contractions were now giving me little to no break between.

"No, friends are for making middle of the night drunken save me calls, or bring me chocolate my boyfriend just dumped me...friends don't help friends through tumultuous labors."

"Fine." I gritted through my teeth, "Leave then, I'll do this on my own."

Her hard ass eyes softened a little as she shifted a little in her bedside chair.

"Sorry," she mumbled, "I get cranky when I'm in pain."

I widened my eyes...bitch thought she was in pain?

"Yeah, yeah okay you've got something the size of a watermelon coming out a hold the size of a quarter...I get it the hand. I need them for surgery."

"Ok." I nodded.

"Alright Meredith." Dr. Kline said as he came in "Let's see where you're at now. Seems your labor is going pretty fast for a first time, count yourself lucky."

I grimaced as he put his hands between my legs and...ouch!

I didn't count myself lucky, not yet...I'd get back to that assumption when Derek could come find me and smile again. Right now, I was in pain...and more than just physical.

"It's time to push." He said.

With as much as I wanted to be out of pain, and eager to get this all over with...I suddenly froze.

This isn't how it was supposed to be, this wasn't what I'd planned...what we'd planned.

Cristina wasn't supposed to be helping me through this, she was just an innocent bystander.

No...Derek was supposed to be here. He was supposed to be doing this. Not laying upstairs on life-support because his lungs were too weak to breathe for him. I needed him, I needed him now.

"No." I whimpered as tears rolled down my cheeks, I shook my head, "No I can't."

"What!" Cristina scoffed "Are you freaking kidding me! This is it Mer, this is the end...just do it!"

"No." I said as my face puckered, "No I can't...not right now. Not without Derek..I...I need Derek."


"It's okay." Dr. Kline softly said, he quieted Cristina and then looked at me gently "I know you're scared...I know you don't want to do this, not without Derek. You've got to do have to for Derek. So just close your eyes and....pretend that I'm Derek."

I panted and breathed heavily as I closed my watered down eyes for a long second...

All the noise in the room, the machines, the loud thrumming of our baby's heartbeat, it all faded away and when I opened my eyes the room was all white, bright white like it was....heaven or something. I looked down at the end of the bed and I saw him...

He was sitting there in his dark blue scrubs, hair in full volume, and laid across his skull perfectly. His blue eyes shined, and his crooked smile greeted me.

"You need to push." He told me.

"I'm scared." I whispered.

"I know." He gulped with a nod, "You can do this... you can do this."

With that I believed I could.

I grunted as I bore down and curled all my muscles around my stomach and shoved everything inside me towards the outside world. He focused on what I was doing and smiled brightly, proudly as he helped guide our baby into the world.

"Good Mer," he smiled "Good, you're doing perfect. Push again..."

I sucked in a breath and pushed again, focusing all my energy on him...I felt no pain.

With a large shove, and pull I felt all the weight come off me...or out of me. His face looked startled for a second before his eyes moistened and glimmered as he pulled a squirmy wet body into his arms and looked at me with an indescribable smile on his face.

"It's a girl, Mer."

I gasped and let out a soft sob as I blinked...but too soon.

He was suddenly gone, and I was back to reality. The doctor suctioned her mouth and freed her from the umbilical cord so he could get what he needed from it. The nurse took the baby to the warming station and began cleaning her off.

"Good job Meredith." Cristina said softly... "I'm slightly horrified, but you did a good job."

I gulped and looked at her as I blinked at my tears.

"You know why I chose you as my labor coach?" I asked, she shook her head, "I chose you because I knew you wouldn't get all weepy and gooey over the baby. Because you're a I need you to get that cord blood and take it and your robot ass up to Derek."

She nodded and was gone in a minute. I laid back and did my best not to relax into the exhaustion...I did my part, now it was his turn to do his.

I felt something warm being placed on my chest and looked down as my arms cupped the warm breath stifled as I looked into a pair of deep blue eyes looking up at me.

One miracle delivery more to go.

Her eyes twinkled as if she knew something I did not. All felt right in the world as I stared into them.

Then, I knew.

Only two more chapters left!

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