Chapter 14

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Hope's P.O.V.
    It was so beautiful that I couldn't resist it so I followed the sound. It felt like no time passed but I eventually noticed, Josie and I weren't at home or anywhere familiar. The last thing I remember was sitting on the back porch, talking to Josie. My eyes flickered open and adjusted to the light in the room. I look around and see  Josie tied up next to me. I try to move to get to her to make sure she's okay and to untie her, but I was tied up as well. I tried my best to break free of them but I could feel them burn my skin. Vervain. Of course. I tried to do a spell but nothing worked. I could feel how weak my body was and that must've been because of vervain. It shouldn't have affected me this much being the tribrid, but they must've used like a whole bucket of vervain. "J-Jo.. wake up!" I was even too weak to speak well enough. Whoever did this, knew exactly what I was and how to weaken me.

    Eventually I see Josie moving and saw her eyes open. "Hope?!" She called out and looked around the room. I guess she was calling the last person she was with because why would she call me? "Jo, I'm here." I said and tried to calm her down but couldn't do much with being tied up. Josie turned and saw me and I could see her calm down a bit. "Where are we?" She asked and I sighed softly. "I wish I knew. And I wish I could get us out of here but they gave me so much vervain that I'm even weak enough to where I can't even cast a spell, or at least one big enough to break us free." "And I can't do a spell because I can't exactly siphon something with my hands tied up." I continued to try and break free but the more I struggled with it, the more it burnt my skin. "Hope, stop. You're just hurting yourself." "I'd rather hurt myself then let anything happen to you." I said and realized how that sounded. "I'm not going to let whoever this is hurt you Jo." Me saying that, probably just made her think that I was being my normal self and protecting people but deep down, I knew I never wanted anything bad to happen to Josie, more than anyone. I kept trying to break free but then heard someone coming. "Someone's coming." I whispered to Josie and looked at the door, waiting to see who it was.

    A woman I've never seen before walks in with a grin on her face. "Look, you two finally woke up. It's nice to see the tribrid not able to do anything." She said and I could feel my eyes glowing yellow. "Once I'm able to break free, you're going to be regretting ever kidnapping Josie." Clearly I didn't care if someone kidnapped me because I could usually handle myself and it also meant no one else was in danger but she brought Josie into this. "Oh please. This is all the little witch's fault." "How the hell is it her fault?" The woman moved closer to me and chuckled. "All I wanted was you, but she had to follow you and eventually heard what had you mesmerized, taking her as well." What the hell was she talking about? "Then what brought us here?" "Me and my beautiful singing." She said all confident about her singing. "You? Singing? Now why exactly would I be mesmerized by your singing?" How could that even be possible? "Let's just say a siren's voice is always mesmerizing." She said and giggled devilishly. "A siren?" "Wait I remember reading about sirens when I read about all of those other monsters we were dealing with." I hear Josie speak up. Monster? That would mean.. Malivore really is back. "Don't tell me Malivore sent you?" Apparently Josie didn't put that together at first because she looked at me with shock in her eyes. "Wow, he said you were pretty smart." "Wait, I thought sirens were like mermaids, why are you on land?" I hear Josie ask. "Probably a special ability Malivore gave her." Malivore was really back, but why show himself now? Did he find it? If he did, why play with me? Why not just kill me already? I guess because most villains all wanted one thing, to torture before finishing the job. "Get comfortable girls because you're not going anywhere until the boss says so." The siren said and walked out of the room. "I'm sorry Jo. This is all my fault." I said and looked down at the floor, feeling awful for bringing her into this. "It's not your fault Hope. We just have to figure out how to get out of here." "How when you can't siphon and I'm too weak at the moment to break free or even do a spell?" How could we possibly get out of here, unless someone came for us?

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