One ✖️

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          It was dark out, the air was warm and the moon stood bright and confident in the night sky. A girl lay on the ground, half her body dug into the ground, the other half laying softly on top. The moonlight seemed to have shined on her as if it were a spotlight and she was the star of the show.

She groaned softly, her head falling to side as her eyes fluttered opened. Her eyes moved around rapidly, trying to father information as to where she was. She shot up, fear coursing her body as she realized she had no idea where she was. She closed her eyes, trying to think, trying to remember what led her to lying naked in the ground. Her breathing picked up, she couldn't remember, she couldn't remember anything, not even her own name. Opening her eyes, she began digging her bottom half out of the ground in a panic. The girl tried to stand but her legs gave out, she landed on the ground on her hands and knees. She took a shaky breathe as tears pooled in her eyes.

What's going on? she thought. Her hands gripped at the ground, fists forming around handfuls of dirt. She let out a choked sob when she felt the ground rumble, she froze, she did not need anything else ruining her mood. Her eyes followed the rumble and to her right, the bushes began to shake violently. Deciding that she didn't want to meet whatever was behind the cause of the rumble she ran to her left. Falling a few times because of the lingering numbness of her legs, she cursed and pushed herself to keep moving.

She could hear growling behind her but she didn't turn to look. She was already pretty wobbly with her legs, she didn't need to distract herself just to tumble again. Making sharp turn to loose the growling she ran into a beautiful deer. Coming to a stop she held eye contact with the animal. The animal froze, watching the girl that had stumbled in his way. They gave each other cautious looks before they both heard the growls of many animals. They shared a look before dashing in the same direction.

Together they ran through the woods, the deer being faster, created a path through the bushes and trees for her. They landed on solid ground but neither stopped their running.

The girl spotted lights up a head and began to slow. The deer, however, started running faster.

Realizing that it was headlights of a car, the girl started for the deer. But the he was way ahead and the girl watched in horror as the tires of the car screeched to a stop, the deer slamming itself straight into the car.

The girl stopped and stumbled back, falling to the ground. How could such an elegant, beautiful animal die such a horrid death?

She watched from the ground as two girls flew out from the car, followed by two boys running from the darkness behind them towards the girls. The boys quickly asking if they were okay before moving their eye sight to the deer.

She watched as the pale boy moved his head around, looking for anything else out of the ordinary when their eyes connected. The boys eyes went wide as he tapped his friends shoulder rapidly. The girl stayed in her spot on the ground, arms wrapped around herself in an attempt to seek comfort.

"Scott...Scott, dude-"

"What Stiles!"

The pale boy, who's name was Stiles, pointed to the girl. All four of them looked to her, mouths dropping.

"Holy shit" the red-head muttered.

Noticing her lack of clothing, she ran to the back of her car, grabbing a jacket. She made her way to the girl slowly, holding out the jacket in front of her.

"Here, It'll keep you covered sweetheart." she said to her. Looking at her with cautious eyes, the girl grabbed the jacket, putting it on herself and slowly stood g up. Her legs, still tingling form numbness, wobbled a bit, tired from the forced run they took her on. She looked down at jacket, seeing it fall down to her thighs, the sleeves covering her hands. On the corner it read:

Rose || Stiles Stilinski¹Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora