Nineteen ✖️

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Rose turned on her back and blinked as she tried to get her vision straight again. The sleepiness had left her when the Darach had kissed Stiles dad but the pain in her head was still pounding.

After everything stopped moving, she slowly stood herself up as she shooed Scott away to help Lydia instead. Stiles stood in the middle of the room, staring at the spot where his father just stood. Making her way towards him, she placed a hand on his arm.

"Stiles?" He only hummed, "Stiles, we have to go, somethings happening...we have to go." Rose couldn't explain it, but something was ticking her off. It felt like a storm inside her body.

"What do you mean? Somethings happening?" Scott asked.

She moved away from Stiles and turned to her brother like figure, "I...I don't know understand it but something's happening. I can feel it."

"Feel? Wh-" But he was cut off by a crash outside. He gave them a look before moving towards the window, "It's just the wind...It's crazy out there actually."

Rose frowned and joined him. The wind was visibly harsh, it blew past trees, snapping weak branch and lifting the school trashcans into the air, "That-That's what I mean. Someones fucking with nature." Her voice was hard.

Lydia looked at her curiously before nodding to herself, "Your abilities, Rose, you have a connection to it. That's how you felt it."

"Like mother nature..." They heard Stiles say.

Scott looked at the girls, "Let's be careful yeah?" He turned to all of them, "We have to find Derek."

They all nodded and Lydia and Scott were the first to walk out the room. Rose walked up to Stiles and placed her hand in his, pulling him to leave, "We'll find him, come on."

He didn't reply, he only gripped her hand and followed her out, catching up with Lydia and Scott. "I think I should look for the Argents, they might know something or help us." Lydia suggested him.

Scott nodded, "Yeah, okay, Rose-"

"No, I'm staying with you guys"

Scott and Stiles shared a look and moved to argue but with a sharp look from the girl they nodded. "Alright, we meet up at Dereks place okay? Rose, do you wanna ride with m-"

"She's coming with me." Stiles cut the boy off, he didn't feel like being alone and Rose was the person he wanted around right now.

Scott didn't question it and nodded. With that, each person got in their own cars, "Are you sure you can drive?" Rose asked him. His hands were shaking in anxiety and maybe anger.

"Fine." It was short and to the point. Not taking it to heart, she nodded and leaned back into the seat.

They drove in silence, only the sound of the harsh wind slapping into his window was heard. She noticed that Scott had started to slow down as they all came to a stop. Stiles phone rang seconds after they stopped.

"The wind, it's getting hard to drive in it...I don't know what to do."

"We can't just stop. Get in with us, it'll be safer."

"I think I can help with the wind." Rose said, Stiles head shot up.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded, "Yeah. Scott, don't worry, I got it covered. Come in with us."

" bike"

"I can cover him too, don't worry." She told Stiles, "Scott, I can cover you."

Scott yelled an 'okay' and they hung up. Stiles hand went straight for Roses face, holding her cheek softly, "Are you sure? It won't...hurt you right?"

Rose || Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now