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Stiles was freaking out. It was the next day and that meant it was his first date with Rose...was it date? He didn't ask her for a date but to take her out...but that was a date right? He saw it as a date but what if she didn't? Stiles began to get anxious but a knock at his window startled him out of his thoughts.

It was Scott, "You did it." He smiled at his best friend, "You actually did it."

"You didn't believe I could?"


Stiles glared at him before shoving the boys face out of the window, "Yeah I did it...Scott, Is this a date?"

"You don't know if this is a date?"

"Well, no..."

"I think Rose thinks it is, so yeah, it's a date." Stiles stomach fluttered, Rose thought it was a date, his heart soared.

"Okay, okay, it's a date," he whispered to himself, "It's a picnic, you think she'll like it? Do you think she'd rather go to, like a restaurant? Cause I can't afford that. God what if she thinks I'm a loser who can't even take her out to a nice-"

"Stiles, it's Rose, she'll love a picnic."

Stiles nodded and took a deep breathe. His eyes moved to the door as soon as it opened. Melissa Lydia Allison and Rose stepped out. Melissa had a huge smile on her face as she spoke to the girl. Lydia and Allison were practically jumping in their shoes. He watched as Rose waved goodbye and walked to his Jeep.

"Scott, go away." He pushed the boy as he climbed out to open the door for her.

Scott backed away, hands up as he made his way to the house, "Have fun!" he winked at them. Stiles almost threw a rock at him but froze when he noticed her outfit. She wore a silky green floral dress, topped with a purple knit sweater and white shoes. She looked etheral.

"You look beautiful, flower." He told her. She smiled at him and thanked him before getting into the jeep.

"So, what are we doing?" She asked him as they pulled out of the driveway.

"I thought maybe a picnic? We can do something else if you don't want to though."

"Are you kidding? That sound's like fun! I love the idea."

Stiles was glad, he was worried she'd hate the idea and suggest a fancy dinner or something, but part of him knew she wouldn't. After spending those few days with her, he came to realize that she much rather draw and watch movies then go out, which he didn't mind at all.

"I want the setting to be a surprise though, so do you mind putting on a blindfold?" He asked her as he parked on the side of the road and pulled out a bandana.

She looked at him surprised but it quickly turned into a smirk, grabbing the fabric she said, "Did know you were this Kinky Stiles."

He blushed as the thought ran through his head for a second. He quickly adjusted himself and helped Rose tie the bandana.

He drove them to a beautiful section of the woods with giant lake across the area. Thankful for Lydia's permission on using her lake house property. Quickly turning the ignition off he jumped out of the heel and ran to her side. Opening the door and leading her out, Stiles couldn't help but get nervous, what if she didn't like it?

Shaking his head rid of the thoughts, he placed his hands on her hips and walked her to the clearing he had fixed for their picnic. "Alright, I'm gonna untie the bandana now, okay?"

Rose || Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now