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TW: Kidnapping and sexual assault

Read at your own discretion.


The last thing she saw before darkness consumed her, were Stiles beautiful brown eyes.


Summer 2005

"Kid's! Come eat your lunch!"

"Coming!" The little boy yelled, "Come on Opie! Mom told me we could have cookies if we eat all our lunch!"

"What kind?" She asked, he shrugged and grabbed her hand, dragging her down to their parents.

A beautiful lady smiled up at them, grabbing for the little girl while her husband grabbed the little boy, "Are you guys having fun?" She asked them.

"So much! Look at this cool rock!" The little boy exclaimed. His little hand in his father's face.

"I see, what about you Ophelia? What'd you find?"

The little girl frowned, "Nothing, Peter wouldn't stop bugging me."

The parents laughed, "Alright, what if we finish our lunch, and dad and I can come help you guys search? Sound like a deal?" The two kids nodded rapidly, grabbing their sandwiches and gobbling it down.


Spring 2006

"Mommy! Peter hid my barbie and won't tell me where it is!" Ophelia cried to her mother.

"Peter! Where did you hides Lia's barbie!" When she didn't receive a repsonse, she sighed and picked up her daughter. "Peter?" She asked, opening their bedroom door, the little boy sat on his bed, a frown on his face, "Peter, where's your sisters barbie?"

He only shrugged, angering the little girl, "Don't lie! You took her!"

"I didn't do anything! Stop being a baby, it's just a doll!" He yelled at her. Ophelia wiggled in her moms arms, wanting to be let down.

The woman sighed, she could see it on her sons face that he was lying, "Peter? Can you please tell me where you put her doll? If you wont, you can kiss your cars goodbye." The boy quickly looked up and frowned.

He grumbled and moved to his hamper, bring out a barbie doll, "Here." He stuck it out, bottom lip sticking out as he pouted.

Letting the girl down, she rushed to snatch the doll, "Why'd you take it?" She asked, rubbing her tears away.

"You wouldn't play with me!"

"You didn't ask!"

"We're twins! You should know!"

Their mother laughed and crouched down, "Peter, twin telepathy is not real, you need to ask your sister next time okay?"

"Yeah! I'll always play with you Petey!"

"Don't call me that!"

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