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                    Deep into the woods, Argent stab the ground with one of this devices, "These are ultrasonic emitters-- it's one of the tools we use to corral Werewolves, pushing them into a direction we want them to run. It gives off a high-pitched frequency that only they can hear."

Rose crouched down to take a good look at it as he turned it on. She saw a bright light emit from it but didn't hear anything else. Geez, not a secret werewolf I guess...

Groaning was heard behind her, "God, no kidding!", Scott and the other two wolves had their hands up to their ears, a pained expression plastered on their faces. Turning it off with a chuckled from Rose, Argent moved to his car. Grabbing two more of the ultrasonic emitters, he passed them over to Derek.

"There are gonna drive them to school?"

"And then, it's up to you to get them into the basement."

"Does anyone else want to rethink the plan where we just, uh...kill them?" Isaac suggested.

"No." Rose smacked his arm, "aren't they you friends?", the boy shrugged at her.

"It's going to work. It'll work"

"Very optimistic of you, Otty."

Making their way to the school in record time, they all got into position and set the emitters. She met up with Scott and Argent.

"Wanna tell me how you got wrapped in all of this?", the older man asked her, giving Scott a hard look.

"I was taking a walk, ended up at the preserve, heard some growling, got trapped in the woods, was attacked by Boyd and now we're here"

"How aren't you more hurt?", she looked down at herself, she had some scrapes from the branches and bushes but was overall fine, kinda.

She lifted her shirt to show a scratch across her abdomen, "Wouldn't say I got out easy, but uh...", should she tell them?, "He ran away, guess he heard Scott coming."

"Ro, why didn't you tell me!" Scott got closer, making sure it was infected, thankfully, she was okay.

"You had more important things to worry about...and I kind of forgot." she smiled sheepishly at them, "sorry"

Argent shook his head when he spotted a firefly, glowing, "Do you see that?"

"Yeah. It's a firefly.", of course Scott didn't understand, but Rose did, that little guy shouldn't have been glowing.

"No, no, I know, it..."


"It shouldn't be." Rose said, "They don't glow in California Otty..."

"Does that mean something?"

Argent looked at the two teens in worry, but he couldn't reply as a loud howl echoed.

"Oh shit, it's time boys..."

"Rose", she turned to Scott, "Go with Argent, they'll come after Derek, Isaac and I before going for you guys"

Not looking to complain, the girl hopped into the car with the older man, driving to the side of the school where the howling came from. Her anxiety grew as Isaac came to view, two other people standing a few feet a way.

Honking, Argent tried to get their attention, "Come on!" whipping their heads towards the car, Rose got a good look. They had bright yellow eyes, sharp teeth and fangs, claws that looked sharper than an eagles talons and a hungry expression on their faces.

Rose || Stiles Stilinski¹Where stories live. Discover now