Ten ✖️

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          It didn't take long for one of the wolves to make a move. The bus had come to an abrupt stop when it happened.

"Scott? Where are you going?", Stiles asked his best friend. Scott was standing in his seat, making his way into the aisle.

"Boyd," he groaned a bit in pain, "he's gonna do something."

"Okay, what? How do you know?"

"Look at his hands."

Stiles arched his neck to look over at the large boy, his hands were over the seat, claws out and ready.

Taking no time and no consideration for his injury, the boy rushed over to Boyd. He grabbed his arm tightly, stopping him from getting up.

"Let go." The boy demanded.

"You got a plan? Tell me your brilliant plan, and I'll let go. What are you gonna do? Kill him? Right there? And then what? What are you gonna do after that?"

Annoyed and angry, Boyd growled, "I don't care."

"I do."

Isaac, grabbing onto the boy to keep him still, noticed the gash on Scott, "Woah, woah, you're still hurt?"

This caught the angry wolves attention, distracting him for a bit.

"I'm fine." He was not, "Give me a chance to figure something out—something that doesn't have to end with someone else dying."

Boyd was reluctant but agreed. Scott moved back into his seat, with much difficulty, Stiles noticed.

"Crisis averted?" Stiles asked.


"Okay, good, cause we got another problem," he motioned towards Ethan and Danny, "Ethan keeps checking his phone, like, every five minutes. It's like, he's waiting for someone, you know? Like, a message or a signal of some kind. I don't know, something evil thought, I can tell. I have a very perceptive eye for evil, you know that."

They both watched as Ethan and Danny laughed together, anger bubbling in Scott, "8 don't like him sitting with Danny."

"Yeah, neither do I." Both boys cared to much about Danny to let someone like Ethan be his boyfriend. Danny could have anyone guy at school, Stiles and Scott both knew this, but Ethan? No. He was evil. Not good enough for Danny.

"I'm gonna see what he's waiting for." Stiles whipped out his phone and began typing something Scott couldn't read.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna ask."

Find out why Ethan
keeps checking his phone.

Stiles sent his text and smiled at Danny who turned to look at him like "wtf no!". Ignoring the weird boys text, Danny turned back around. Annoyed and slightly offended that he was ignored, Stiles sent another.

Just do it!



NO. I like this guy. What's wrong with you?

It's important. PLEASE

Having enough, Danny shoved his phone back into his back pocket, hoping Stiles would just give up. Stiles did not in fact, give up. Instead he went ham, seconding a text every second. Danny's phone began to 'ting' at an alarming rate and he finally gave in. Asking Ethan what was wrong, the wolf turned to look at Stiles and Scott, who ducked behind their seat.

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