5th January 2022

29 0 0

5th January 2022

Au- ???

Ship- Feret

Idea- Fundy meets foxes! 

526 words

21:47- 22:27


Eret walked out of the house, carrying a slowly waking up Tubbo. Eret had offered to babysit Tubbo while Schlatt and Quackity had some time to themselves to relax without having a little one on their mind or running circles.

Fundy held a bright, wide smile as he bounced on the ball of his feet in excitement. He gave a small wave to Tubbo, the youngen returning the wave. Eret passed Tubbo over to Fundy, letting the fox hybrid clip his 'nephew' into his car seat. 
Fundy made sure Tubbo was nice and secure before slipping into his own seat in the front.

Eret began to pull out of the driveway, Fundy still as excited as ever. Partially on Fundy's benefit, he really, really wanted to see the foxes. 
Eret was a little shocked when they were discussing with Fundy as to where to take Tubbo.
They had figured out that Fundy, a literteral fox, hadn't actually met or seen any foxes in his whole life.

So Eret promised Fundy that he would take him to meet his own kind. That just happened to be today.

Before booking any physical tickets, Eret had pre-warned Quackity and Schlatt that they were taking Tubbo to the zoo. All was good. Thankfully, Tubbo loved the zoo!


They had arrived at the zoo. They had all stood in a rather long queue. 
Luckily, it went rather fast. 

Fundy moved around Eret, holding Tubbo in his arms. He gasped,pointing over at some zebras, "Look Tubbo! A zebra!" Fundy smiled, hearing Tubbo clap. 

"Bees?" Tubbo questioned, sounding unsure.

"Yeah! They probably have some bees somewhere. Maybe with all the other bugs." Fundy nodded, watching as Tubbo also nodded, agreeing with him.


Fundy stared at the foxes from a far distance. And boy was he excited. He gently pulled on Erets attached hand, using his other hand to point over at the foxes. 

"Eret... let's go!" Fundy yapped, pulling Eret over to the fox enclosure.

They had timed their meeting with the foxes perfectly. They were having their morning feed.

Fundy watched in awe, he was silent. You could hear the quiet whispers of Eret pointing out different types of foxes to Tubbo.


The worker must have seen the odd happiness that occurred from a grown man. They shrugged anyway, turning to face Fundy. "Sir? Would you like to come in and pet the foxes?" They asked, slightly pushing the gate open for Fundy.

Fundy's eyes lit up as he spun around to face his partner. He waited for some sort of consent. 
Eret gave a short nod, holding Tubbo tightly in his arms, who copied his 'Uncles' nod.

The hybrid walked over to the gate, pushing past it. He was with the foxes. 
Maybe the foxes could sense something on his clothing, or was it that he was one, but they were all over him. Pawing at his jeans.

Fundy crouched down to the foxes, gently petting their heads and their backs. He was in love.
Just in time, Fundy looked up at Eret and Tubbo. Eret, who had pulled out their camera, took photos of Fundy in his happy place.

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