Chapter 9 - The Voice Box

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Chica had managed to follow me into the backrooms. I don't know how she found me, but it was irrelevant. I hid behind shower curtains and inside laundry baskets, all while trying to connect to Freddy through the Faz watch. Hiding gave me a lot of time to think to myself.

What happened to Chica? She was so happy before. At first I thought she was angry with me, but I remembered that there have been other strange occurrences, like Moon and those cupcakes. Something bigger was definitely going on, and whatever it is is causing these animatronics to act strangely.

Would I be unable to reach Freddy until his repairs were finished? If what Roxy said was true, then he'd be decommissioned for several days, possibly even replaced. Mechanics don't work night shifts, so I thought maybe I could find him once their shift ended. Of course, once they're sent home, Vanessa is back for her nightly duties. I was going to have to be strategic.

What if Freddy changed, like how Chica did? Is that the malfunction that they're trying to fix, but they just didn't catch it on her? How long before the others change, if they do? I'm so confused. I had all these theories running through my head. Maybe a mass attack on the company was hacking into their systems and changing their programming? Or someone from the inside, like Vanessa or that guy on the VHS tapes? But why?

What kind of malfunction did Freddy have? Chica said he collapsed on stage, but that's about all I know. Did he have missing or old parts? The signs in parts and service had a demonstration of the new parts given to the other animatronics, but Freddy didn't have one. Did they purposefully not give him new parts? If I gave Freddy new parts, could I fix him?

It was a gamble, but considering that I had nowhere else to turn to, it was the only thing I could try.

Usually, I'd run to the next place I wanted to visit, but since Chica was roaming around, it was going to be tougher. I had to find a way to get rid of her.

I remembered my and Freddy's trip through the basement last night. If I recall correctly, there should be a kitchen by the loading docks. I wondered if Chica's taste buds still worked even when in this state.

I leapt out of the basket I was hiding in and crept my way through the laundry room to the kitchen. I could hear Chica muttering things to herself, trying to entice me to let her catch me, like promises of candy or that my parents were looking for me.

The kitchen itself was lined with countertops and cooking utensils. There were several machines I'd never seen before that displayed different kinds of pizza toppings. I thought about how Chica made pizza for me and followed her recipe.

There was a S.T.A.F.F. bot circling the kitchen, so once I grabbed the dough and roller, I placed them on the counter and climbed on top. This way I'd avoid it's sight. The dispensers for the condiments were spread out throughout the kitchen, so I took the pizza and ran to the sauce dispenser first. Once I poured enough, I crouched below one of the tables to let the S.T.A.F.F. bot pass.

I followed this process, for the next ingredients. I added some cheese and meat and stuffed the pizza into the oven. I waited cautiously, both for the S.T.A.F.F. bot and Chica.

I could hear Chica approach from the other room. The pizza wasn't done yet, but it was hot and smelled good, so this should be good enough. When Chica saw me, I waved the pizza for her to see and threw it into the trash compactor. She then charged at me.

I thought for sure that would work! I ran into the trash compactor, picked up the pizza, and blocked Chica's face from mine with it. Her beak went through it, and now with a taste of the pizza, she started to munch on it.

Chica eats fast, so I didn't have much time. I crawled around her and out of the trash compactor and turned it on. The compressor slowly lowered, and though it made noise, Chica didn't notice. Not until it caused one of the cleaning supplies to fall. The mop hit the floor, and she turned to look at it. She then noticed the ceiling closing in on her, but right before she could jump out, the compressor slammed into the floor, crushing her.

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