Chapter 11 - Words, Words

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I told Roxy the same story I told Freddy; Chica and I were having fun one minute, and the next, she suddenly changed. I told her about my encounters in the daycare, the basement, and the freezer. I also promised her that I was going to fix Chica the moment I could. I was willing to say anything if it meant she wouldn't hurt me again.

She walked with me to Freddy's room. We talked for a while on the way back.

"You've seen Vanny?" I asked her. "Vanny?" she said.

"That rabbit, I think it's name is Vanny," I clarified.

She thought for a moment. "Yeah, I've seen it. Red eyes, small frame. Whatever it is, it isn't man made," she said.

"Not man made? What do you mean?" I said.

"It's not an animatronic. Definitely not a registered animatronic. But I can't see through its costume," she said.

Not man made, so therefore human. I guess I was already thinking that Vanessa and Vanny were one in the same anyways.

"Whenever I see it," she continued, "it just stares at me. Sometimes it'll wave or step away, but it never says anything."

"When did it start appearing?" I asked.

"A couple months ago when I got my new eyes installed," she said. "It kinda appeared out of nowhere."

We were back on the first floor and about to go down the escalators when Roxy stopped. I turned back to see what she had stopped moving for.

"You said Moon was the first?" she asked. She was looking at the daycare lobby entrance. "The first that I know of," I replied.

"Let's go check."

"What? Why?" I asked. We were so close to Rockstar Row. "Chica doesn't seem particularly aggressive like you describe. She may be acting strangely, but she could just be grieving the loss of her voice. She can't tell me, after all," Roxy said.

"Because she's after me, not you!" I said.

"If Moon's also been... infected, then surely he'd be the same?" Roxy questioned, ignoring my comment. "I want to see this behavior for myself."

"No, no, I'm not going back in there! He almost killed me!" I refuted.

"Relax, I won't let him touch you. I'll just turn the lights back on if he gets too close."

"Knowing this hellish nightmare, the lights aren't gonna work, or-or you'll purposefully leave them off so Moon can kill me!" I gasped in realization. "That's your plan, isn't it? You're gonna use Moon to kill me so you don't have to do it yourself! That's so cruel!"

She shook her head in disbelief. "Gregory, if you want me to trust you, then you have to trust me," she said.

"Isn't there another way? What about just talking to Sun about it? No need to activate Moon," I said. I really didn't wanna have to face him again.

Roxy groaned in disappointment, "I guess that could work, but that's so boring... Oh well."

I let out a sigh of relief. "Cool, cool. Just a talk with Sun, no Moon," I said. "You feeling okay?" Roxy asked.

My head was spinning. That was the first incident I came across that night, and the idea of experiencing that again was terrifying. "I'm fantastic," I lied. Roxy gave me a pat on the shoulder and started walking towards the daycare lobby. I tailed behind her.

The daycare was the same as I'd seen it last. Roxy didn't fit in the slide, so we walked to the gate entrance where kids are usually picked up. We pushed open the doors, but there was no Sun or Moon in sight. Then he appeared on the stage entrance, just like last night.

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