Chapter 31

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Delilah's phone rang and Katia grabbed it.

Since Delilah was busy, Sebastian took the phone and answered it. "Hey, Devin."

"Hi. Is Delilah there?"

"She's busy, but I can relay the message if you'd like."

Delilah appeared, drying her hands and mouthed, "Who is it?"

Sebastian covered the speaker. "Devin. He wants to talk to you."

"To you both!"

"Apparently to us both." He put the phone on speaker. "Del is here and we can both hear you."

"Jemma had the baby."

"That's great! Congratulations!" Delilah exclaimed.

"Thanks. Sonia's excited. She's got a sister. We named her Lilliana Joy."

"That's beautiful, Dev."

Sebastian smiled. "Congrats, man."

"Thanks, guys. How are things for you?"

"Good," Delilah replied. "We're filming a movie and Katia has a part in it."

"That's great! Is it a Marvel movie? Can you tell me anything about it?"

Delilah smiled slyly. "I could, but then I'd have to kill you."

"Love you too. So I guess I have to wait for theaters. Unless you can tell me anything Sebastian?"

Sebastian shook his head as he said, "Sorry, no. Like you said, you'll have to wait until the movie premieres."

"Aren't you guys the sweetest. Jemma's calling me back. See you guys soon hopefully. Keep us updated on Baby Stan."

"We will," Delilah said. "Send pictures of Lilliana."

"You can bet we will. She's already as pretty as her mother. Later."

He hung up and Delilah smiled as she turned to her husband. "Another niece. These girls are gonna have a lot of fun together."

Sebastian nodded. "They certainly will."

"Do you want another girl or a boy?"

"I just want a healthy baby. How about you?"

"Admittedly, I'd like another girl, but a boy would be okay too. After the accident, I just- I don't want to lose this baby."

Sebastian took her hands. "I know, sweetheart." He pulled her closer and cupped her cheeks, resting his forehead to hers. "Somehow I have a good feeling about this one."

"You know, I do too."

A buzzing caught their attention and Sebastian looked at her phone. "Did you give Rick your number?"

"What? No. I don't know how he got it. What is he saying?"

He picked up the phone and read the message aloud. ""Delilah, babe, if your ever tired of being that foreigner's little "princess", let me know. I'm always here if you need me or if you want a change." What the hell is wrong with him?"

Delilah pursed her lips. "He does know I'm not American, right?" She took her phone and blocked the number. "This shit isn't even worth a response. Seb, how the fuck did he get my number?"

"I don't know. Delilah, the next time he contacts you, I want to know. If we have to do something about this, then we will."

"Sebastian, what if he finds me? What if he hurts me? Or you or Katia?"

"I can handle him. I'm more worried about you and Katia. But I'm gonna do everything in my power to keep him away from each of you."

Delilah nodded slowly and shuddered. "The nerve of that pretentious prick. He's a little-"

"Fit," Katia said, causing her parents to look at her. "Fit!"

An amused expression crossed Sebastian's face. "I think we've rubbed off on our daughter." He knelt in front of her. "Katia, that's not a nice word. Let's try not to say that, okay?"

She looked at her mother. "Mama."

"I know Mama said it. That's a grown-up word to say."

Delilah smiled lightly as she picked Katia up. "Dada and I will have to remember to be careful about our words around you."

Katia touched her mother's face and smiled as she did so. Delilah scrunched her nose, causing her daughter to laugh.

Sebastian chuckled softly and placed a hand on Delilah's shoulder. "I promise you, I'll keep you three safe."

"I know you will," Delilah replied. "That's one of the many things I love most about you."

"In sickness and health, til death do us part."

The couple shared a smile and Katia continued laughing at her parents as they made faces at her.

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