Chapter 24

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As Delilah was making breakfast, Sonia walked into the kitchen and said, "I wanna go to the zoo today. There's a baby elephant and I love elephants."

Delilah smiled. "The zoo sounds like a great idea. But first, breakfast."

"Did Mommy and Daddy already go to work?"

"Yup, so you're stuck with me today."

"You mean you and Katia. The best kind of day."

"I'm glad you think so. Eat up and we'll get ready to go."

"Thank you for breakfast, Aunt Lilah."

"You're welcome, sweetheart."

While Sonia ate, Delilah changed Katia, who had just woken up, and got her dressed.

Delilah's phone began ringing with a FaceTime call and she answered. "Hi, Seb."

Sebastian waved. "How are you? I miss you two."

"We're good. I miss you as well, and I think Kati may also."

"We're going to the zoo today!" Sonia exclaimed.

"The zoo? That sounds like a lot of fun. What are you going to see?"

"A new baby elephant and other animals."

"A new baby elephant? That's exciting. Say hello to the wolves for me, okay?"

"I will. And the otters for Aunt Lilah. And lions and tigers and bears. What's Katia's favorite animal?"

"I don't think she has a particular favorite yet."

Delilah raised a brow. "I think she may. She squeals every time she sees a cat or a wolf. Something I'm blaming you for."

"Me? Why me?"

"Because of the endless pictures of wolves you show her."

"She likes them. You're the one who got the Loki your cat and the wolf plushie."

"Okay, fair enough."

Sonia looked between them. "Are you guys having a argument?"

Sebastian shook his head. "No, we're not. Don't worry."

"Okay, good. I don't like arguments. There's lots of yelling and mean looks. Sammy's parents argue a lot and they don't look at each other nicely."

Delilah ran a hand up and down her niece's back. "Sammy's parents are having a hard time getting along right now."

"I hope they stop yelling near Sammy and me when we play."

"Maybe they'll be able to talk things out," Sebastian said in a hopeful tone. He glanced back, hearing his name. "I gotta go, but I'll talk to you later. I love you, Del. Have fun at the zoo, okay? I can't wait to hear all about it."

Sonia nodded. "I'll renember everything."

He chuckled. "Okay, bye Del. Bye, Kati. Bye, Sonia."

Sonia waved. "Bye, Uncle Sebby."

Delilah waved Katia's hand and said, "Kati and I love you too."

He waved and ended the call.

Sonia smiled. "That was fun. Now we go to the zoo." She got up from the table and went to leave.

Delilah cleared her throat. "Missing something?"

Sonia frowned, then nodded. She put her plate in the sink and went to put on her shoes.

Katia, meanwhile, was making a mess of her mashed banana, smearing it everywhere. She'd eaten some, but was more interested in playing with her food.

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