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Walking down the white hallways of HollyHill Psychiatric Hospital, I paused for a moment. What if I wasn't ready for this job? What if I wasn't the best person to evaluate these people? Id been here for a few months, but i have never evaluated someone so important.

I just got out of college, and as an aspiring Psychiatrist, I managed to get a job here at the local mental hospital in my small home town of HollyHill. Im not sure how i, a 24 year old, got the job as apposed to the other applicants, but im glad i did.

I was supposed to be evaluating Mack, a 17 year old girl who attempted suicide, but she wasn't feeling well, so i was rescheduled to evaluate the new guy. He just arrived yesterday.

According to his file, his name is Gerard Way. He's 25 years old, and he was found guilty of killing his best friend, Frank, during a psychotic break. The jury found him unfit for prison, so he was sent here.
Apparently he's been begging to talk to someone, anyone. And since all the other psychiatrists that worked here said they had better things to do, i was assigned as his psychiatrist.

I finally worked up the nerve to walk to the room where i was supposed to meet him. The hallway that led to the therapy room was white. White walls, white floors, white ceiling. On both sides of the hallway, doors were placed. Each one listing the name of which patient was in there on a little card.

As I entered the therapy room, a small, white room with two chairs, a rug and a small window, Mr.Way sat in a chair with a blank stare on his face. He had shoulder length black hair and he had a straightjacket on. If he wasn't supposedly crazy, id even say he was attractive. But I couldn't think that of my patients. It was wrong.

He didn't look up when I entered. He just looked straight at the ground. Almost like he had dissociated from this world completely.

"Uhmm, hello Mr. Way." I said. He still didn't look up. He stared at the ground. His black hair fell around his face and I couldn't see it all, but I could tell he was really pale.

"Im Kelli May. You can call me Kelli, Ms.May, whatever you like." I said with a small fake smile. He still didn't look up. Weird.

But then again, ive seen weirder. One time, i had a patient that only spoke backwards. Like, per say, he was saying 'Hello', he would say it 'Olleh'. Strange man.

"Would you like me to call you Mr.Way or Gerard?" I asked, now just trying to make conversation. He looked up at me now. He looked me up and down and then just stared at me. I couldn't tell what color his eyes were. They looked sorta like a mix with green and brown.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat as he stared at me. This was uncomfortable. "Mr.Way, if you don't want to talk right now, perhaps I should come back a different time" i said. He just stared.

There was a knock on the door. "Dr. May?" Said a voice on the other side.

I stood, sparing a glance at the man in front of me, and walked to the door. His eyes followed me the entire time.

I opened the door to reveal one of the nurses, Hayley. "Im sorry, ma'am. But Dr. Toro wants to see you in his office." She said 

"Do you know what for?" I asked. I was trying to whisper a bit because, honestly, this wasn't Gerards business.

She shrugged her shoulders. "No ma'am"

I sighed. "Hayley, how many times have i told you not to call me ma'am? It makes me feel old. And we're the same age!" I told her, a small smile on my face.

She smiled back. "Im sorry....kelli."

I looked back at Gerard.
"Be back in a few minutes." I told him before walking out of the room and closing the door behind me.

Hayley walked along beside me. Probably because i was the only person here who was actually nice to her.  She looked uncomfortable for a moment before she spoke. "Uh, Kelli?"

I turned my head to her slightly. "Hmm?" I hummed in response.

"I understand if what im about to ask seems unprofessional, and all. But i was really wondering if, well, if you would like to come to my birthday party next month?" Hayley asked me, hope evident in her eyes. She seemed nervous because she kept fiddling with her necklace and avoided my eyes.

I smiled softly. "Of course! Let me check my schedule and if i have nothing, i would love to come!" I said.

She smiled. "Oh Thanks, Kelli!" She said as we arrived at Dr. Toro's office door.

I gave Hayley a quick nod before going in the office. It was a carpeted room with a big, oak desk in the middle and a bookshelf on the wall opposite to the door. Dr. Toro was the lead doctor here at HollyHill. He sat at his desk, typing away at his computer. His full name was Ray Toro and he had a big afro haircut and was honestly one of the sweetest people ever. When he isn't on the job, of course. When he's working, he's pure business.

"Ah," he said as he saw me walk in. "Take a seat, Dr. May." He gestured to the seat across from him. I obediently sat. He closed his laptop and sighed. "Dr.May, i have some rather unfortunate news."

I blinked. "What's the news?" I asked, anxiety beginning to take control. What if he was firing me? I needed this job.

"Well," he began. "I understand you were just with the murderer." He said with a sour tone. "I hope you realize how dangerous he is."

I nodded slowly. "Yes sir."

"Well, everyone is curious About him. And since all the other psychiatrists are scared to evaluate him, and you volunteered, i have assigned it to where your only patient will be Mr.Way." Toro told me.

I gave him a confused look. "What? So you're saying i wont be talking to no other patients? Just Gerard?"

Dr.Toro nodded. "I hope it isn't a problem, but I divided your other patients evenly with the other psychiatrists."

I shook my head. "N-no, sir. Its ok. I was just confused is all."

Toro smiled softly. "Good. Well, you can go back to work, Ms.May. Please be careful. That man is a lunatic."

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