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I walked down the street, on my way to Hayleys party. She said she was holding it at her apartment, so thats where i was headed. Hayley asked me to come a bit early so I could help get ready, and i agreed.

There was a light mist settling on the ground, and the rare sight light from a light-post or a sign caused it to be eerie.

I mean, it's October 28th....3 days before my favorite holiday! And three days before All Hallows Eve! The one night the dead can walk amongst the living!! Halloween was always so fun as a kid.
I always dressed up as my favorite fictional character at the time or something.

I laughed lightly at my own thoughts as I crossed the street. On the other side sat Hayleys apartment complex. I went to the intercom and pushed the number Hayley told me.

"Hello! Who is it!"
I smiled as i heard Hayleys voice come from the small speaker.

"Only your best friend." I replied. Her optimism was always so infectious!

"KELLS!!!" She shrieked. The buzzer rang and the door unlocked. I entered and made my way to Hayleys apartment.

I knocked on the door, which was opened by a man. He was mid 20s with Dark hair and blue-green eyes.

"Ahh, you must be the infamous Kelli!" He said, letting me in. "Hayley talks about you all the time!"

I smiled slightly. "Are you Kellin?" I asked.

He nodded. "The one and only."

I turned to see Hayley Emerging from what I believe was the kitchen. She walked up and hugged me. "So happy you made it!" She said, pulling away.

I smiled. "So am i!"

"I see you've met Kellin?" She said, gesturing to her boyfriend.
I nodded.

"Babe, can you go finish putting the chips out, the other guests should be here soon" Hayley told Kellin. He nodded and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before going to the kitchen.

"He treats you so well and you look so cute together." I told her.

She blushed slightly. "I know. He's perfect." She stopped and then smirked slightly. "Speaking of men......hows Gerard?"

I chuckle uneasily. "W-what do you mean? Hows his progress going?" I ask.

Hayley smirks and shakes her head. "No. You know what i mean."

I do know what she's asking me. But im not too sure how to reply. "He's fine, I guess. I-im not sure what you're wanting me to say."

"Kelli Jane May," she started. I cringed as she used my full name. "I know you care for him. I might dare to say you love him. And i, not one bit, judge you. He seems perfectly nice to me. And after every single session with him, you always have a smile on your face and bit of pep in your step! He makes you happy!"

Everything she said was true....but i didn't want to admit it. I couldn't. Hayley looked at me, waiting for an answer. But then the buzzer rang.

"Ill get it!" I heard Kellin call as he entered the living room and walked to the intercom, allowing the person in the building.

Hayley just sighed. "You dont have to reply, Kells. But just know i dont judge you.. and ifs better if you admit it.." she said. Im glad she let it go, but part of me wanted her to keep pressing me about it until i admitted it.  Hayley went to the kitchen to help Kellin with the snacks.

Then There was a knock on the door. "Can you get that, kelli?!" Hayley called.

"Sure!" I replied, walking to the door. I opened it, revealing about 10 people. They all piled in, not really paying me any attention.

Hayley and Kellin emerged, greeting all the new guests. And before long, the party was in full swing.
Now, im not the biggest partier. Not in a long shot. So i stood watch and made sure no one wrecked Hayleys apartment.

At around 10, at least 35 people where here now, and the apartment was crowded. More people kept coming in and I watched as the door opened, another person walking in.

I froze. No no no. I felt fear run through my body as i made my to distance myself from him. How is he here. I made my way to Hayley, to tell her goodbye, I couldn't stay any longer. Hayley was dancing with Kellin, and i was about to say something when kellin looked behind me and his face lit up. He walked past me, and I turned to see him standing there.

"Ronnie! Buddie, glad you made it!" Kellin said as he bro hugged him. The man ive had so many nightmares about was here. Ronnie Radke. My ex patient. The one that made me fall for him right before he stabbed me, and broke out of the asylum he was in.

If he noticed me, he covered it up good. "Yeah, man! Of course, Man! Couldn't miss your girls birthday party!" Ronnie said.

Thats when he looked up to see Hayley, but instead his eyes locked onto mine. And a slow smile came on his face. Shit shit shit!!!! his eyes lit up in amusement as he saw the fear in my eyes, but he quickly covered it up, and turned his attention back to kellin.

I quickly turned to Hayley. "Im sorry, Hayles. I wish I could stay, but im tired. Ill see you at work tomorrow!" I said to her. She nodded and gave me a quick hug goodbye and I quickly made my way to the front door. I could feel Ronnies eyes on me as I walked away.


AN: Sorry its short. But I thought, well....let me do a cliff hanger!!


Also i have good news!! Im gonna get my Driver Learning Permit. I passed my class and now im one step closer to getting my license, and after that, one more step closer to being 18.

Hopefully MCR will still be doing shows and stuff by then. I hope to God they wont get back together for like 2 years, and then break up again. I hope they release mew music and then tour because i NEED to see them in concert.

My parents wont let me go to the reunion tour, due to them being die hard Christian Conservatives and hating MCR with every fiber of their being....sooo yeah. Maybe when im 18 and they can't control me as easily, ill go see my favorite thing in the world perform.
My love for this band yall is just pathetic 😭

So until next time,

Poetic Darkness ☠︎︎♥︎☠︎︎

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