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New York City. A place full of cars, people, and towering skyscrapers. I could see the tip of the Empire State Building from the bus as we sat in traffic. I had arranged for the bus to drop Gerard and I off at an apartment complex. A small place i found to rent.

After the awful traffic, the bus made its way to the bus stop, allowing Gerard and I to get off. The apartments were across the street; a tall, brick building with multiple windows and a long fire escape going down the side.

"You ready?" I asked Gerard as we stood side by side, waiting for the cross walk light to change to green.

He smiled. "Definitely." He said, taking my hand in his. His fingers laced into mine, fitting perfectly together. "Is this okay?" He asked, gesturing to our interlocking hands.

I blushed slightly. "Yes" I nodded. I smiled softly, Gerard returned the smile.

The light turned green, and Gerard and I, hand in hand, walked with the crowd across the street. Yellow taxi cabs stood out in the mess of cars in the streets, people on the sidewalks waving them down.

I chose a populated place so it would be harder for Ronnie to do anything. More witnesses.
And also, HollyHill would expect us to go some place reserved and isolated. Never This place. More like this jungle.

"Wow." Gerard said. I was pulled from my daze to see Gerard looking at the tall buildings, the shadows of them in the morning sun swallowing us as we Approached the apartment building.

I approached the code box, no entry unless you have a code. Perfect for staying safe.
I pressed in the code i was given and we entered. The lobby type part was a room with grey walls, small Mail boxes lining one of the walls for the occupants mail. There was an elevator and to the left of that a stairwell.

"It isn't that bad, actually." Gerard said, his hand still latched onto mine. I smiled at that a bit.

"It really isn't, honestly." I replied, taking my phone out and checking my email. The email said apartment C4 was ours. "Come on" i said, pulling Gerard to the elevator. We got in the elevator, Gerard and I propping our suitcases against the wall.
I pressed the 3rd floor button, it lighting up at my touch.

I stood, tapping my foot impatiently on the floor while the elevator music filled my ears. I really hope that this will place can hide us from Ronnie and HollyHill.
My mine wandered to Hayley. I honestly hope she understands why I helped him escape. She said herself she was okay with it if i liked him, so why did she seem so shocked that I helped him escape? 
She honestly was my best friend. She was the only friend I've ever had. And i just don't want her to hate me.

And then, my mind went to the man standing next to me. He was still holding my hand, maybe because we both needed reassurance. Gerard Way has changed my life. Part of me feels like it changed for the better and then the other part of me feels like its not for the better. I loved him, honestly. He was the sweetest person ive ever met and he seems like the actually cares. No one has ever cared before.

I glimpsed at him, his eyes locked on our intertwined hands. He looked up at me saw my eyes in him and he blushed a bit. "Sorry." He said, taking his hand away from mine. I wanted to scream at him, tell him no. Tell him to never let be go, but I didn't.

"Its okay." I mumbled, playing with a string on my shirt.

Suddenly, the elevator jerked, and i fell to the floor. The music ceased and the lights shut off, surrounding me in darkness. "Gerard?!?" I yelled, reaching around. I couldn't see a thing, and that terrified me. I couldn't stand being blind to my surroundings. "Gerard!! Are you okay!?!"

"Kelli!? Im okay! Are you alright?!" I heard Gerard call. I moved towards his voice, stumbling over myself  in the process. I felt around and felt a body, then arms snaked themselves around my waist. Gerard pulled me close to his chest, our bodies intertwined on the cold floor. "Shhh," he mumbled into my ear, rubbing my back lightly. "The elevator is just malfunctioning. Someone will be here in a minute to help us out."

I nodded, my breathing getting back under control. Gerard's pulled me closer, his face buried in my neck. His hot breath on my neck made my breathing slow, but made my heart speed up.
His arms wrapped around felt like the most natural thing in the world. My heart was pounding at the thought of him being this close. His lips so close to my neck. The silence in the room added to the tension, and it was killing me.

"You okay in there?!?" Came a voice outside the elevator doors.

Gerard, lifted his head, his breath no longer there to send chills down my back. "Yeah, we're okay! How long is it gonna take?!" He yelled back.

"Uhhh.." came the voice outside, a man maybe "about 20 minutes. Sorry!"

I sighed. "Of course," i  groaned.

Gerard chuckled. "There's plenty we can do in 20 minutes.." He said, a cheeky tone to his voice.

I blinked and tensed a bit at his advance. Good thing it was dark and he couldn't see my flushed face. "Haha" I laughed sarcastically. "Very funny."

"Yeah...that was a stupid thing to say." Gerard said lowly. I think it was more to himself than to me.

"So...." i said uncomfortably. "What you wanna do?" I asked, adjusting myself so I wasn't practically sitting on him. He still had his arms around me.

"Well, we cant very well see now, can we?" He said.

I smiled, even though i knew he couldn't see it. "Not true!" I said, pulling my phone out and turning the flashlight on. My eyes took a minute to adjust. The complete darkness to the small light was a strain on my eyes.

When my eyes focused, I looked at Gerard. He had a small smile on his face, looking at me. "You seem flushed, Kelli." He said, his smile turning to a smirk.

I punched his chest. "Funny." I said, attempting to stand, but Gerard pulled me back down, me landing on him. His face was inches from mine and took all my strength to not close the gap. "W-what you doing?" I asked.

Gee shrugged, his eyes bright with amusement. His hot breath was in my face, it smelled of cigarette smoke and coffee. Just like him. "Just stay for a minute." He murmured, nuzzling himself into my neck again. His grip around me tightened, causing me to nuzzle myself into his chest. I took in his intoxicating scent, his dark tee shirt smelling like my own personal drug.

"You smell like peppermints.." he murmured, as i felt him inhale. "I love peppermints."

My breath hitched. God, what he do to me....

Suddenly the lights flickered on and the elevator music started again. I quickly stood, my legs a bit wobbly... Gerard followed and the elevator doors opened, revealing a middle aged man, a handyman belt on his old blue jeans. His white muscle tee barely covered his Beer belly. "Sorry about that, folks." He said, eyeing us up and down. "Im the landlord. You must be the new tenets?"

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