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The next day, Kelli got the things i needed. She, of course, could walk out of the building without people giving her a second glance. But i, on the other hand, had to get a disguise of some kind. So Kelli brought me a hair pin, normal clothes, and she would loan me her cellphone.

We put the plan in motion.

Me and Kelli went by the day normally; me going to my recreation room time, lunch, and also my sessions with her. And her doing whatever she does when she isn't with me.

Now, It was finally time. I took out the stuff Kelli got me and changed my clothes: A Black Blink-182
T-shirt, Faded black jeans and a pair of combat boots. She somehow got clothes that were my style.

And i took out the hair pin and pinned my hair back a bit. It looked dumb as hell, but it would help. Most people here are used to seeing me with hair all in my face. They wont suspect this.
And i put the phone in my pocket, I'll take it out when ready.

It was Kellis time to leave for the day, and she told Hayley and the others she was going to stay a bit longer to do paperwork.

I waited in my room.
What if this is all a mistake and i get her in trouble, or worse arrested? And whats going to happen after all this? I HAVE to find the people who killed Frank. I know frank may have helped Kill Mikey, and I resented him for that. But frank was like a brother to me also. And i wasn't about to let someone get away with this!

And then my mind went to Kelli. My God, she's like a drug. Just being around her gives me a feeling of euphoria and adrenaline. And those times ive been so close to her, I could kiss her. Those moments kill me. I loved her. I do. But it would never work. She's too good for me. Im just a drunk convicted felon whom she met in a psychiatric hospital.
She'll never love me back. But i was still going to do all it took to protect her. No matter what.

"Psss" whispered a voice. "Gerard!" I realized it was Kelli outside the door. She unlocked the door and came in and had to do a double take. She looked me up and down. "Wow umm.." she stammered. "Okay. You look different."

I smirked. "Good different or bad different?" I asked.

She seemed to just now realize what she said. "Oh, uh good different. Good different, Definitely. Well...except for the hair..."

I laughed quietly. "Yeah i hate the hair too."

"Well not that i hate it. It just isn't you." She said, blushing slightly. She was adorable. "But anyway, we need to hurry. Everyone but Bob the damn security man. I hate that guy." She said. She went to the door and held it open. "Ready?"

I looked back at my room once more. I was NOT gonna miss this place. "Definitely." I said walking to the door. I walked out into the hallway and Kelli followed, shutting it behind us.

The hallway was dark, except for the red exit sign on the ceiling flashing every so often. But we could see plenty. I took out Kellis phone, turning the flashlight on low, so we could see a bit better but not attract a lot of attention.
We started walking, heading to the nearest exit.

I looked to my left to see a small face looking through the small window on a door leading to a room. It was Oliver. "What are you doing?" He asked.

I looked at Kelli and she gave me a nervous look. I had to make him be quiet. "Shhh. You're gonna get us caught." I told him in a hushed voice.

He gave me a look of apology. "Sorry." He said, his voice in a barely audible whisper. "Are you escaping?" He asked.

I looked at Kelli and she gave me a nod, telling me i can tell him the truth. I turned back to Oli. "Yes," I whispered. "But, Oli, I promise i will come back for you." I said.

He nodded. "I know."

I smiled slightly. "This is goodbye for now, Oli." I said.

He nodded and i saw a small tear going down his cheek. "Goodbye, Gerard. Ill see you soon!" He said, trying to stay happy. He looked to Kelli "And goodbye, Miss.May."

She smiled. "Goodbye, Oliver." She replied solemnly.

We continued walking, going for the exit. On the way, we passed mine and Kellis room, where we did our sessions. I glanced at her and she was looking at it too. She then met my gaze and smiled softly before looking back in front of her. I looked forward too, silently scolding myself for getting my hopes up that maybe she was thinking about the room the same way i was. As the place i met the love of my life. God, im so corny.

"This is it." Kelli whispered as we approached a door. "This is the door that leads to the hallway that leads to the front entrance. Are you ready?"

I nodded. "Of course." I couldn't wait to leave this Hell Hole.

Kelli smiled. "Me too." She said.
We opened the door and if Kelli wasn't there beside me, I would have screamed in frustration.

Standing there was Hayley Williams. She met our gaze and her eyes went wide.
She was about to say something but Kelli rushed forward to her and placed her hand on Hayleys mouth.

"Shh. Please" Kelli said quietly to Hayley. I walked to Kellis side. "Please, if i let your mouth go, will you be quiet?" Kelli asked.

Hayley nodded and Kelli removed her hand. Hayley suddenly let in a sharp breath. "You were covering my nose." Hayley said quietly , breathing heavily.

Kelli grimaced "sorry.." she whispered.

"What the hell are you two doing?" Hayley asked, regaining herself. "A-are you helping him escape?"

Kelli suddenly got a look of guilt. "Yes..."

Hayley went wide eyed once again. "Good God, Kelli! I knew you cared for the dude, but for you to risk your entire career for him is ridiculous!"

"Be quiet!" I hissed. I was also trying to figure out what Hayley meant about Kelli caring about me.

Hayley glared at me. "Dont tell me what to do." She said. She turned back to Kelli. "And, you are crazy!"

"Just let us leave Hayley, and you'll never see us again." Kelli pleaded.

Hayley sighed and thought for a moment. "Only because you're my best friend. Can you at least tell me where you're going?" She asked.

"No!" Kelli and I blurted out. She knew ronnie. She might tell him. We couldn't risk it.

Hayley hung her head. "Whatever. Just go." She said before walking past us and leaving us alone.

Kelli looked sad but she grabbed my hand and pulled me to the door anyway. "Come on." She said.

We walked out the door.

The Way Things Are (Gerard Way)Where stories live. Discover now