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I tried sleeping. Nothing worked. Hell, I even tried that "count sheep" trick, and that didn't work neither. I haven't really slept in 5 days. But how are you supposed to sleep when every time you close your eyes, you see a vision of your best friend begging for his life?

I was supposed to meet the therapist the mental hospital im in is assigning me. But I wanted to talk to a Lawyer, not a damn therapist. So i don't intend on talking much.

Laying in the bed in my room, a small white room with a bed and.a nightstand, (i say room, its more like a jail cell,) i close my eyes. Silently praying to fall asleep without nightmares. But that didn't happen. I barely drifted off before it started.

I watched in third person as I looked down at my hands. Who knew so much damage could be done with them? So much pain I could cause?

"No! Please!" Frank begged as he laid on the ground, beat up and bloody. "I have money! Just let me live!"

I laughed. "You really think you can get away that easily? Your fucking goons killed my brother! He didn't want to go through with the gang beating!"I said as i kicked him in the ribs, earning a ground from Frank.

"Please, Gerard, I'll kill them! I didn't know the initiation would go that far!" Frank begged even more.

I shook my head. "You gave them the orders." I said , coldly, before i pulled my switch blade and stabbing it into his stomach.

He screamed as I twisted the blade, causing me to knick an artery and blood sprayed everywhere, mostly on me. I pulled the knife out as i stabbed him again, and again. After the 3rd stab, he was gurgling his own blood. I could see the life slowly leaking from his eyes until they became cold. I loved it.

Thats when i woke up. I was asleep for 10 minutes. I was drenched in sweat. Thats the nightmare i have every time i try to sleep. The thing is, I don't remember doing this. But the police found me at the scene of the crime, covered in franks blood.

See, Frank is the leader of the gang, The Doggs, and the way to get in the gang is you have to complete the initiation. Its different for everyone, and Frank is, well i mean was, the one who chooses what trail each person faced. So when my younger brother, Mikey, wanted to join, Frank made sure he got a hard one, thinking it would be funny since hes known me and mikey our whole lives. But it wasn't funny. His goons killed Mikey in the beating and they didn't even bother to tell me. I had to find out days later when he police found his mangled body under a bridge.

So, here i am. In HollyHill Asylum, because I'm "unfit" for prison.

And the next day, I found myself sitting in a room, straightjacket on, strapped to a chair, waiting for my dumb therapist.

After around 5 minutes, the door opened. Someone walked over and sat in the chair across from me, but i kept my eyes glued to the floor. I wasn't goin to talk to them. I wanted a lawyer. I dont belong here.

She spoke to me, but nothing caught my attention. So i just stared at the floor. She said something else,  something about her name, but I didn't care.

Then she said my name, and I finally looked at her. When they said i was going to see a psychiatrist, I thought it would be some old person with a clipboard. But the girl sitting in front of me was precisely that, A girl. She looked to be a bit younger than me, and i was surprised she was old enough to even work here.

She had dark hair that reached just below her shoulders and brown eyes. And her skin was so pale, it looks like she hasn't been outside in a year.

"Mr. Way, if you don't want to talk right now, perhaps I should come back at a different time."She told me as she shifted nervously in her seat. I was making her uncomfortable. Good.

There was a knock on the door and the girl stood and went to open it. She talked with someone on the other side, but I couldn't see who. And I couldn't hear what they were saying. I think the doctor said her name was Kelli..... something. I can't remember the last name.

Anyway, Kelli, turned to me. "Ill be back in a minute." She said before walking out of the room, and closing the door behind her. I heard the door lock, when she closed it.

I looked around the empty room and then my eyes landed on her stack of papers she left on her chair. Rookie mistake.

I scooted my way over to it, taking the paper Clip off the stack. I had to take it with my teeth, due to the jacket. I put the paper clip under my tongue as I scooted my seat back to its normal position.

Just in time too, cus as soon as i got situated, Kelli walked back in. "So sorry, Mr. Way. I had something to take care of." She said as she picked up her papers and sat down. She didn't seem to notice the missing paperclip. Good.

We sat for a few minutes, just staring at each other. She was honestly quite pretty for a therapist...I guess. Most I've seen were old and wrinkly.

"Mr.Way? Do you intend on speaking today?" She asked.

I just stared at her, not bothering a response. The faster she leaves me alone and i get back to my room, the faster i can come up with my plan.

She sighed as she brushed a piece of her bangs from her face. "Well, ill see you in the morning." She said as she rolled her eyes, thinking I wouldn't see. She's feisty.

After she left, two men walked in and grabbed me and led me back to my "cell". They took me in and removed my straight jacket and i was finally free to move about. They said i could have my jacket off when im alone. Which is good.

As soon as the two men disappeared, i spit out the paperclip. It was quite funny. This must be her personal office supplies because it was hot pink with little black skulls on it. Weird. She didn't seem like the "skulls" type.

I went to my small drawer i had and took out my deodorant. I disassembled it and hid the paperclip in the bottom of it. Then i put it back together and put it back in the drawer. I figured that would be a good Hiding spot.

Then i went to my bed and laid down. Maybe tonight ill sleep good. Probably not though.

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