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We walked out of the hospital. Outside the wind was blowing and the fall air nipped at my face. The colorful autumn leaves fell off the trees that lined the property with each passing wind, falling to ground as graceful as a ballet dancer.

The outside of the hospital was decorated quite festively; With fake headstones in the lawn and spider webs on the bushes. Tomorrow was halloween, after all.

"We have to hurry!" Gerard said, snapping me out of my thoughts. He still had a hold of my hand, but I wasn't planning on letting go anytime soon.

I nodded. "Right! My cars that way!" I said. I pointed to our left towards the parking lot, which only held 4 cars. "Its the navy Toyota."

Gerard nodded and pulled me along, us practically running towards my car. Along the way, I laughed slightly as Gerard yanked the hair pin out of his hair, causing it to fall in his face and to be blown around by the wind. Just how i like it.

We got to my car, And i pulled the keys from my small bag. "I can drive." Gerard said. I nodded and handed him the keys before getting in the passenger seat. He got in and started the car.

My radio immediately started blaring Enter Sandman by Metallica. Really loudly.
"Shit, sorry!" I said, quickly reaching and switching the radio off.

Gerard just smiled. "You're adorable, ya know?" He said quietly, buckling himself up.
He then realized what he said and went a bit tense. "Uhh, sorry." He said. I just blushed and buckled myself up as well. God, he's perfect. And i hate it.

We pulled out of the parking lot, going down the road. "I probably should have known before hand, since im the driver, but where are we going?" Gerard asked.

"Hand me my phone, please?" I asked.

Gerard took it out of his pocket. "Turns out I didn't need it anyway, huh?" He said, handing it to me. He put both hands back on the wheel, occasionally strumming his fingers on it as if he is playing a beat only he can hear.

I pulled up my GPS and typed in the motel i had planned. "What we're you gonna use it for, anyway?" I asked, placing the phone on the dash so he could hear it better.

He laughed slightly. "Well, it may sound stupid, but you know on movies when spies disguise themselves by trying to act normal? Normally behind a newspaper or a book?" He asked.

"Yeah....?" I replied, not too sure where he was going with this.

"Turn left" the GPS lady's voice said coming from my phone. Gerard obeyed, turning left before speaking again.

Gerard smirked. "Well, i was going to do the same with the phone. Try to act like i was on a call and hold it up to my face so no one could see me as easily.." he said as he shot me a quick glance before returning his eyes back to the road.
I laughed lightly and then he joined in. "I suppose it was a pretty dumb idea, huh?" He asked.

I stopped laughing and smiled. "No, not too dumb." I said.

"Turn Right on Park Street" GPS lady said. Gerard did as she said.  We drove for about 30 more minutes before the GPS said "you have arrived at your destination!"

The motel wasn't much, but it was one that; 1. Was far enough away from home that Ronnie and the Hospital wouldn't think to look; 2. I knew took cash payments so we wouldn't leave a paper trail; and 3.  Wasn't too expensive.

Gerard parked the car, and we got out, walking to the front office. Inside sat a heavyset woman, maybe 50, with greying Brown hair and she wore a badge that said 'Linda'.

"Hello!" She said as we approached the table. "What can i do for ya?" She asked. She had a southern accent, maybe Alabama? She was really peppy.

"We need to rent a room. I understand you take cash payments?" I asked.

She smiled as She nodded. "Yes, Ma'am!" She said as she chewed some gum in her mouth.

"Okay, good! Can we get a room with two beds?" I asked, sliding the money across the counter.

'Linda' frowned. "Awe, sorry! We only have single beds still available..." she said.

"Thats okay, i can sleep in the floor." Gerard said.

"No! Thats not needed. We can just share a bed." I said. Even as i said it, i felt my cheeks get warm. Sharing a bed didn't mean anything, right? Just me being nice! Right?

"So, one kingsize bed?" Linda asked.

I looked at Gerard for approval and he thought for a moment before nodding.

"That will be fine." I told Linda.

She smiled as she took my money and handed me a key. "Room 4. There is a bathroom and mini fridge and microwave in it as well." Linda said. 

We said goodbye to Linda and went back out to the car, getting our stuff. I only packed a duffel bag full, and I bought Gerard some clothes and some toiletries as well.

We went to room 4. We entered it to find a room with yellow designed wallpapers and grey carpet. The king size bed sat in the middle of the right wall, a blue comforter on it.
There was also a table with a microwave and a mini fridge was against one wall. And there was a door
That led to the bathroom, im guessing.

Gerard took my bag from me and sat it on the table along with his. "I call Right side!" He said as he ran and jumped on the bed, soaking in the comfort of it.

I laughed as i took my shoes off and followed him. I laid on my side, still fully clothed in my day clothes. I yawned. "Man, im tired"

Gerard nodded. "Me too. Probably because we stayed up all night last night talking." He said with a small smile.

I nodded. I got up and went to the bathroom and changed my pajamas. It was just a Oversized Nirvana T-shirt with a pair of flannel pants, but they were comfortable.

I walked back out and Gerard had changed too.
He had on the pajama set I bought him. A black shirt with a pair of black bottoms. Simple, but still a soft fabric and it was black. Gerards favorite clothing color!

He laid on his side of the bed, already under the covers. I turned off the lights and i climbed into the bed beside him. I could smell his Coffee and Cigarette scent and it made me happy. I liked this. It felt right.

Gerard rolled over and faced me, his beautiful eyes staring into mine. "Thank you for helping me." He said softly.

I smiled slightly. "Your welcome. But you're helping me just as much." I said.

Gerard smiled softly. "And i always will." He said.

I smiled and felt my stomach do a summersault.

"Goodnight, Kelli." Gerard murmured.

"Goodnight, Gee." I replied, closing my eyes. For the first time in a while i fell asleep content with my life. For once, i wasn't alone.

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