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I sat in my room. The nurses just brought me back after my session with Kelli. Hopefully she would get them to take this damn jacket off when we talk.
Then, maybe i can earn her trust or something. That was my plan anyway. Then i can get out of here.

My plan was to maybe get her to trust me, maybe ill try to charm her or something. But anyway, when she does trust me, I'll manipulate her into getting me out. Perfect plan to me.

I heard a knock on my door. I knew who it was. Who else would be coming to see me.

"Come in" i said. I smiled to myself. She clearly is here to tell me what they said about my jacket.

She unlocked the door, walking in, a small smile on her porcelain face. "I have news." She said, coming in.

I laid on my bed, flipping through the comic book i had. "Did they say yes?" I asked, nonchalantly.

She nodded. "Mmhm. They said that you could have it off in the therapy room. But you would have to wear it when being transported to and fro."

I nodded. "Good."

She nodded uncomfortably. She stood there for a second. Rather awkwardly. "Well, i guess i better be going." She said, walking to the door.

"Wait!" I called. She turned and looked at me. "Thanks" i said. She replied with a small smile and nod before walking out.

I smiled slightly after she left. She was honestly too nice for her own good. And I hated to take advantage of that, but it was the only way.

I read for a while before i heard a voice outside my door. "Lights out, Way!" Yelled a nurse. I sighed as i put my book away and laid down to go to sleep. Maybe tonight would be better.

The next morning, i woke up. I didn't even realize i fell asleep. And i Don't think i even had any dreams! Thank God. I was so tired i must have slept so deeply, my mind couldn't even make any effort.

"Way!" Yelled a voice outside my door.

"Im up, im up!" I said to the male nurse. This place had a curfew and a wake up time. If you disobeyed any of those, it wouldn't be good.

"You've been allowed to go to the recreation room." The nurse said through the small window in the metal door.

How the hell did i get permission to go to the recreation with other people? Im some "crazy violent lunatic". Ohhh.....It must be Kelli. Kelli must have arranged this.

"Hurry up, Way! Or you aint going!" The nurse said. I quickly got ready, putting on my white outfit that we have to wear. I hate it. I miss my black clothes.

After getting ready, the nurse took me to the recreation room. It was just a room with a few couches, a tv, and and some tables where people were playing Games.

"Dont cause trouble." The nurse, his name tag said Pete, told me. He then walked away, leaving me with the other patients. I found a seat in the corner and sat down. I just watched the other patients for a while before the door opened.

Kelli walked in, she had a dress on. It was one of those black dresses that have a white collar so they basically look like a school girl outfit. She looked good, though.

She spotted me and frowned as she approached me. "I put you in here so you could interact with others. Maybe make friends." She said. "Not sit in a corner, brooding like batman."

I laughed slightly. "You like Batman?" I asked her, a bit surprised.

"Yes. But don't change the subject. Go talk to other people." She said, sounding like my mother.

I rolled my eyes. "But i am." I said innocently. "Im talking to my favorite person in here." I said as i batted my eye lashes. I like messing with her.

She scoffed. "Yeah, right." She said. "Flattery doesn't work on me." She leaned against the wall i was sat beside. She seemed tired.

I smirked and stood, putting my hands on both sides of her. Basically pinning her to the wall, but without actually touching her. She looked at me, shocked. I leaned in to her ear and whispered "so, me being this close doesn't make you feel something?" I felt her let out a shaky breath.

She blushed slightly before pushing me out of the way, regaining herself. "No." She said, standing rather awkwardly. "And dont ever do that again."

I smirked. "Yeah, okay."

"But im serious, talk to someone. And take a shower. You really need one. " She said before turning and walking away. I sighed as i sat back down at my seat, watching the other patients.
I spotted a kid. Maybe 12, sitting by himself at a seat. He kept his head down and looked rather scared. He sat at the checkers table.

Well....Kelli told me to talk to someone. I stood and made my way to the kid. I sat in the seat adjacent to him and picked up the checker pieces. "You be red, ill be black." I said.

He jumped slightly as he looked at me, shock in his eyes. "W-who are you?" He asked.

"Gerard Way. You?"

"I-Im Oliver." He said.

"What you in for, kid?" I asked, dividing the checkers.

He hesitated. "My parents admitted me. I told them i was hearing voices." He said.

I nodded. "Well, if it makes you feel better, I'm in here because I supposedly killed my best friend." I said.

The kids eyes got wide. "Are you serious?"

"No, im lying. They put me in here for no reason." I replied sarcastically.

The kid looked at me skeptically. "You're not gonna hurt me, right?" He asked.

I laughed. "As long as you don't piss me off, no. I wont." I said.

The kid visibly relaxed. Then we started play checkers. Honestly, it wasn't that bad here. But i still needed out. If I stayed here forever, I will have an actual psychotic break.

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