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The Party City worker walked away, leaving Gerard and I alone. He turned to me, taking my hand. "Come on, lets get to the park!" Gerard said,
Pulling me down the aisle and out the store.

We walked down the street, hand in hand. My mind wandered to how he almost kissed me a moment ago. This time, he actually wanted to. Not like the first time when it was just for show. The thought made my stomach go in knots.

We arrived at the park. It wasn't crowded at all, probably because it was a school day, a Monday,  and kids were at school and grown ups at work.

Gerard let go of my hand, walking to a sunny part of the lawn, and laying down. The crisp autumn air swirled around me, causing my hair to fly about as I followed him. I laid down beside him.

His eyes were fixed on the sky above us. "Looks like a dragon." He said, pointing to a fluffy white cloud in the blue sky. It did, indeed, look like a dragon.

I eyed him. The sun on his pale skin looked beautiful as his black hair framed his face. The sunlight seemed to reflect off his beautiful eyes, the light making them seem like green caramel apples. The slight redness in his cheeks from the crisp air stood out against his face and it made him look all the cuter.

I pointed to another cloud. "That one looks like a dog." I said, a small smile on my face. It was so nice lying here, no care in the world. This is the happiest I've been in a long while.

I felt the grass beside me shift. I looked over and Gee was on his side, his eyes glued to my face. "What are you thinking about?" He asked softly.

I gently shook my head."nothing really."

He raised his eyebrows. "You have to be thinking about something!" He protested. "Your brain is always thinking." He said, reaching up and lightly tapping my forehead, earning a laugh from me.

I sighed in hesitation. "Well, i was just thinking about how this is the happiest ive been in a while." I said, looking down at the ground. I played with a piece of grass beside me.

He took his fingers and placed them under my chin, making me look up. "Me too..." he said. "Ever since ive met you, my life keeps getting better. You've changed me, made me a better person!"

I smiled and quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. "Thank you, Gee. Thats the nicest thing I have ever been told."

I felt him smiled up against my neck. "You're welcome, love." I felt my stomach do summersaults at the nickname.

But, of course, the moment was once again ruined; my phone rang. Gerard and I pulled away and i pulled my phone from my pants. "Its the landlord.." i told Gerard before i put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?"i said.

"Kelli.." the other voice said.


"You need to come back, just for a moment then you can go back out. I need your key, i lost mine and as landlord i need yours so i can go get a new one made.." Kurt, our landlord, said. His voice sounded a bit off, but probably because he was upset he lost his key.

"Oh, okay. Ill be right there!" I said before i hung up.

"What did he want?" Gerard asked.

I shrugged. "He just needs my key. You stay here, I'll be back. It wont take me long!" I said as i stood up.

Gerard nodded. "Be careful."

I nodded in reply and walked away. I made my way as quickly as i can to the apartment complex, occasionally passing someone. But the streets weren't too crowded today.
I got to the tall building and went inside, making my way to the elevator and pressing the 3rd floor button.
I tapped my foot along to the boring elevator music, and when the doors opened and a ding sounded, I basically ran out of the elevator.

I made my way to my apartment door, expecting to see Kurt standing outside it, waiting. But he wasn't there. Strange.....
I turned my door handle and it was already unlocked. Okay...this is really weird now. I could have sworn I locked it.
Now I regret not bringing Gerard back with me. But then again, its better than him being in danger too. Im getting ahead of myself, though. There might not even be any danger. Im just overthinking it. I probably just forgot to lock it in my excitement to be with Gerard and i just thought i did. Yeah, thats it.

I turned the door handle and walked in. Kurt wasn't in here neither. Weird. Maybe he is in his room. I think he said it was room A5.

I walked out of my apartment and walked to the elevator again. I pressed the 1st floor button and waited. This was a pain, i just wanted to get back to Gerard. Hope he isn't wondering where I'm at.

When the door dinged, I quickly made my way out and down the hallway as I searched for room A5. I found it and knocked on the door. "Its Kelli! You needed my key?" I yelled through the closed door.

No one replied.

I knocked again. "Are you there? Kurt?"

"Come in!" Came a muffled voice from inside. I obeyed and twisted the door handle, pushing it open.

I opened the door to reveal an apartment quiet similar to Gerard and I's. Of course, this one looked more lived in then ours. But it was strange. Something seemed off.

"Kurt?" I called, looking about from the doorway for the landlord. I didn't see him anywhere. I walked in the room some more, closing the door behind me.

"In here!" Came a strained voice from a back room.  He sounded weird. I followed the voice through the hallway and to a bedroom. I looked in and almost had a heart attack.

In the middle of the room was Kurt tied to a chair, his eyes wide with fear. He struggled against his bonds and with the gag in his mouth. He had a black eye and he looked real bad. Like he was best over and over.

I blindly rushed in and quickly started trying to untie him. "What happened?!" I said, as I tried to undo the knots.

Suddenly, i heard the door to the room slam behind me. I froze, my hands hovering above the ties.

"Hello, Kelli dear...."

I wanted to cry out as i heard his voice. I slowly turned and made eye contact with my worst nightmare. Ronnie Radke. His long, greasy hair was in a ponytail, showing off his face tattoos. And he was in all black. In his hands was a pistol. He had it pointed at me, a clear threat to not move.

"Ronnie.." I barely choked out, fear strangling my lungs.

"Nice to see you again! You look lovely as always!" He said optimistically. He was teasing me now.

"How did you find me?" I asked, my body shaking.
I stood up straighter though, I wouldn't let him see me waver.

He smirked at my clear defiance. "Ive been following you, Dear." He said. "You and that pathetic Gerard. You know something?" He said "I should have killed him that night too."

I shot him a confused look. "What are you talking about?"

He shrugged. "Nothing you need to worry about right now." He said. He adjusted his grip in the gun. "Now, you are going to come with me nice and easy."

My eyes went wide. "No!!" I knew it was foolish, but i went for the door, but he was already ahead of me. He was in front of me and grabbed me. "NO! STOP!" I screamed.
He wrapped his arms around my neck, very quickly cutting off my oxygen supply. I struggled and clawed at his arms, but i was quickly losing conscience.

Next thing i knew, it was all black.

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