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Worry flashed across Kellis face. I couldn't tell if it was because she was scared she had upset me, or something else. Something i was scared to voice incase it wasn't true. That she actually did care for me.

I laughed, a bit uneasily, but i don't think she noticed. "No, im not. But man, you got so worried!" I replied to her question. Kelli thought i was Gay, and it was hilariously funny.

She reached across and smacked mg arm. A deep crimson blush made its way to her porcelain face. "Haha" she laughed sarcastically.

I took a sip of my coffee, nice and warm. "But anyway," i continued. "What will we do in New York?"

She shrugged as she poured a packet of sugar into her coffee cup. "Live a life, Away from Ronnie and HollyHill." She said.

I wondered if she meant anything else. Live a life. Im not sure if she meant live a life together or what, but i hope so.

I cleared my throat as I nodded slightly. It went quite and I turned and glanced out the window, stomach turning to lead.
I quickly got Kellis attention and gestured to the window. She went wide eyed.

Outside was a police officer. He was walking around and checking out Kellis car. Then he went back to his car and got in and said something into his radio.

"He's checking the tags. There's probably a warrant out for us. He's gonna arrest us." Kelli said, quickly standing and throwing a wad of cash on the table. I followed her. "Put your hood up." She told me.

I nodded and did as she said, putting the hood of my jacket up. "We'll have to walk to the motel and try to get a cab or something." I said, taking her hand. She looked at me, a bit wide eyed. "Trust me." I said, pulling her out the Coffee Shop door.

The police officer looked up at us as we walked out, and i had only a second to react. I grabbed Kellis face and pulled it to mine, locking our lips together. She froze. But then she relaxed and kissed back.

Her lips were so soft, I wanted to kiss her forever. But then, i saw the police officer look away, just thinking we are a lovestruck couple.
When he looked away, i reluctantly pulled away. Kelli, her face flushed, inhaled sharply, but we didn't have time to talk. I grabbed her hand again and pulled her down the street, towards the motel.

I didn't let go until we got there, and as soon as we got in the motel room, i let go, grabbing my duffle bag. Kelli was about to say something, probably about the kiss, but I stopped her. "Pack all your stuff." I ordered, stuffing stuff in my duffle bag.

She nodded and did as i said.
I hated that our first kiss had to happen during those situations. And no doubt she would want to talk about it sooner rather than later.

After we got all our stuff packed, Kelli laid on the bed, sighing.

"We have to go. They'll find us." I said, confused as to why she was so calm.

She shook her head. "Calm down. Let us get our bearings. I paid in cash, remember? They wont find us here so easy. But we will have to leave soon. No doubt they will search the area after finding my car." She said.

"I hate that you're gonna be an accomplice to this." I said, slumping into a chair at the table. I ran my hand through my hair, so stressed i contemplated pulling it all out.

She smiled softly. "It was my idea, remember? If you go down, ill go down. But i don't intend on them taking me alive." She said.

I looked at her, a bit appalled. "So what? If we get cornered, you'll just kill yourself?" I asked, trying to contain my anger at her comment.

She shrugged. "What do i have to live for? My family is all dead, I'm definitely fired from my job. and if they get you, you'll be put in a high facility prison. And I'll never see you again. I'll have nothing to live for. I'd rather die than rot away in a cell all alone."

Her words pained me. I didn't want to think about her being dead. I couldn't. "No. Don't ever think that." I said, sternly. "Your all i have, Kelli. If you die, I'll die too."

Our eyes met. She nodded and then it was silent for a minute. "We should go." She said, standing from the bed.

I nodded. "I've already said that."

She rolled her beautiful eyes. "Shut up, Mr.Way." She knew what she was doing. She knew I despised that name. She walked and picked her duffle off the floor. Her movements were so graceful. But then again, she was really klutzy though. So not that graceful. But graceful to me anyhow. If that makes any sense.

I glared at her. "Ill get you for that." I said, standing as well. She just smirked in reply.

AN: sorry for shortest chapter. My phones broke and i dont have a case on it right now so its hard to type lmao.

Poetic Darkness.

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