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I couldn't let Gerard get to me during the session like he did earlier. I had to stay professional. Just asking him questions and talking him through his problems. Thats all my job requires.

But its hard. Somehow, he got under my skin and it annoyed me. Must be because he's supposed to be a psychopath and they are skilled liars. They have a silver tongue. Like Loki in the marvel movies. Man, Loki is really attra—whoa whoa. Stop letting your mind wander, Kelli. You're working. Work now. Daydream about fictional Sociopath later.

Is it weird that im a psychologist and i know that certain people are crazy, like loki, and i still like them? Probably.

Anyway, I walked into the same room i met with Gerard yesterday. He was back in his straight jacket and his black hair was greasy. Apparently he's been refusing to shower. Nice. (Catch my sarcasm?)

I sat in my seat across from him, and to my request, they brought a table in. So he sat on one side of the table, and me on the other. Its easier to write with a table under the papers. And it makes it harder for him to steal my paperclips.

"Hello, Gerard." I said as i sat. "What would you like to talk about today?"

He just looked at me with a face that basically said 'you really think I'm that dumb?' He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. Clearly he wants to be stubborn.

"You were talking to me just fine earlier. Why not now?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously.

He just shrugged again, looking anywhere but at me. I sighed. Clearly this will take a while.

Wait, i have an idea...

"You know, the longer you don't speak, the longer we will have to keep doing sessions..." i said, a smirk coming on my face. I knew he hates these sessions, so this should work.

But in reply, he just shrugged again. Are you kidding me?! This little-

"What would get you to talk to me?" I asked, annoyance clear in my voice.

My annoyed tone caused him to smirk. Then he started fighting against the straight jacket.

"You want the jacket off?" I guessed.

He sent me a look like "ya think?"

I rolled my eyes, but then stopped myself. He's getting under my skin again. "It's against the rules for me to remove one when the police say that that person is a very dangerous individual."

He audibly scoffed. He looked like he had a thing or two to say, but he stayed true. He wasn't talking until that jacket was off him.

I gave an exhausted sigh. Im tired of him playing with me like this. "Well, ill try to see if i can get a pass...." i said.

Gerard looked at me, a fake big smile coming on his face. It was his snarky way of saying "thanks". But, Even though it was fake, he had a cute smile. Wait what? Nope. Don't think that. Nothing about him is cute. He's a murderer. Stop, kelli. Bad Kelli.

"So, will you talk, now that I agreed to try to get the jacket off?" I asked. I knew the answer, but i still asked.

He shook his head. His way of saying "not till the jackets off, lady." 
Who knew so much Sass could live in a grown man?

"Fine. That concludes our conversation for today then, Mr.Way." I smirked when i called him Mr.Way. My own subtle way of saying; "if you're gonna be a jerk, ill be a jerk"
He glared at me, knowing exactly what i was up to.

I walked out of the room, informing two nurses that i was done and they could escort him back to his room.

And i held true to my promise and began walking to Dr. Toros office.
As I walked, i heard my name being called behind me. I looked and saw Hayley coming, her Orange hair flying behind her as he practically ran to me.
She fell in line beside me.

"Have you checked your schedule yet?" She asked me. "For my party?"

Crap! I forgot about that. "Oh yeah! I checked it!" I lied. "Im free! Ill be there. The 28th, right?"

She nodded. "Yay! Thanks, Kelli! You're a great friend!" She said as she gave me a quick hug. Who knew so much love could live in the Small Williams girl body.

After talking with Hayley, I walked into Ray's (Dr. Toro) office. He was in the phone, but motioned for me to sit across from him.

"No. I don't have Way's file yet. Ill have to get it." I heard him say. "Alrighty. Bye."

He hung up the phone and looked at me. "Its the police station. They want an update on Gerard way, but i told them i dont have one. Please tell me you have some news about him?"

I sighed. "Thats the things, sir. He won't speak to me." I said.

Ray gave me a look. "What do you mean?"

"Well, he said he wont talk unless the straight jacket is off.." is said. "Well, he didn't 'tell me'. It was more like a game of charades."

Ray sighed. "Well, do you think he's dangerous? I mean, obviously we know he is, but do you think he will hurt you?" He asked

I thought for a moment. "Honestly sir, no. I dont think he would lay a hand on me." And that was the truth. He may be snarky and sassy, but I don't think he'd ever physically harm me. At least yet.

Ray nodded. "Alright. Ill tell the  nurses to take it off him when he is transported to your room." He said.

I smiled. "Thank you sir!" Now i can actually do my job!

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