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I put my stuff away, doing my best to forget about Hayleys call a few days ago. Gerard said that she couldn't hate me, but i think she does. But im going to try to ignore that at the best of my abilitys. I hope she doesn't hate me.

I needed something to take my head off of it. I could go for a walk. I made my way to Gerards room, maybe he would like to come. I knocked on his door, waiting patiently. He yelled a  'come in!', and I entered.

He was sitting on his bed, drawing in a small notebook. I made my way and sat beside him, peering over his shoulder at the drawing.
It was a redheaded man with a mask. "Whats that?" I asked.

He shrugged. "Just an idea im thinking of. His name is Party Poison!" He explained. He had such a happy look on his face. "I'm thinking of multiple characters."

I smiled "he looks really cool!" I replied honestly.

He smiled back at me. "Thanks. I hope so." He sat his book aside, then turned to me. "What did you need?"

I shook my head. I didn't want to take him away from his work. "Nothing. Im just gonna go on a walk." I said. I stood and started walking to the door, but Gerard followed.

"I wanna come." He explained, picking his leather jacket up off his bed and following me.
I got my jacket as well and we went outside.

When we got to the sidewalk I looked around and saw a park sign down the street. "Lets go take a walk in the park." I said, taking Gee's hand and pulling him with a smile on my face.

"Can we get coffee first?" Gerard asked, pointing to a coffee shop up ahead. He had his puppy dog eyes turned on. So, of course, I couldn't say No.

I rolled my eyes and laughed a bit. "Yes, Gee. Of course. Don't want you going through withdrawals." I joked.

"Im not addicted!" He protested as we approached the shop. My hand was still firmly on his, pulling him alone.

I rolled my eyes sarcastically. "Sure, Gerard. Keep lying to yourself." I said, trying my best to suppress a smile.

He rolled his eyes this time. "No im not. Now you on the other hand, are. Ive seen you chugging them energy drinks like your life depends on it." He said, putting his one free hand on his hips.

"You're too sassy for your own good, Mr. Way." I said, pulling him through the coffee shop doors. He didn't reply, but pouted a bit at my name for him.

We approached the barista, I finally let go of his hand, not wanting him to think im weird or something. "How may i help you?" The barista asked. They had blue, short cropped hair and a nose piercing. Their dark skin was the same shade as the coffee. The blue hair made their eyes really pop.

"Two coffees, black please." I said, a small smile on my face. The barista smiled back and went to the back to get our coffees.

"You remembered what i drink." Gerard said, an impressed smile on his beautiful face.

I shrugged. "Its only black coffee. Not that hard to remember..." I mumbled.

Gerards face went solemn. "Oh.."

The barista came back and gave us out coffees. I paid and took them. "Hope you enjoy your drinks!" They said, before we turned and walked out the door

Gerard and I walked towards the park, the steam from the coffee warming my face against the chilly fall air. I looked to the left and saw a Party City doing a halloween sell. "I can't believe I missed celebrating Halloween." I said, looking longingly at the store.

Gerard smirked a bit. "No you didn't." He said simply before he took my hand and pulled me across the street, almost getting hit by a car in the process.

"What are you doing?!" I asked, trying to keep my balance as he pulled me.

He didn't answer until we entered the store. "Celebrating halloween!" He said, running off somewhere in the isles. I looked around, the almost empty store being quiet hard to navigate.

"Gerard?!" I called, looking through the rack of halloween costumes. I swear, he can be like a child sometimes!

"Kelli May-ay!" I heard his sing behind me, the point to taunt clear. I turned and he was standing there with a red wig. "Lets see how i look with red hair." He said, walking up to me.

I laughed. "So you can be like Party Poison?" I asked. The smirk on his face got a bit bigger.

"Of course!" He said, taking my hand and pulling me. "Come on, ill take you to the other wigs. Lets pick you out one." He said.

We approached a wall with hanging shelves, the shelves loaded down with multi colored wigs on top of mannequin heads.
My eyes immediately went to the purple one. It was a light purple with dark purple roots. It was beautiful.

"Look at me, Kell!" Gee said, causing my attention turning from the wig to him for a moment. He had the red wig on, the red hair covering his normal black. It looked really good honestly.

"Wow!" I said, before I could stop it.

Gerard smirked. " like it?" He asked.

I nodded. "Oh definitely. Looks good on you. Of course, so does the black hair too, though." I said, walking up and  touching a piece of the hair, gently wrapping it around my finger. It was soft, the red contrasting against my pale fingers.

Gerard smiled. "Pick a wig out and put it  on." He said, gesturing to the wall.

"I dont know..." i said skeptically.

He rolled his beautiful eyes. "Come on, Kelli!"

I sighed. "Fine!!" I walked to the wall and picked up the purple one. I pulled a free wig-cap out of the dispenser they had, pulling it on my head and cramming my dark hair into it. I put the wig on, and looked to Gerard. "How do i look?" I asked a bit nervously.

He smiled again. "Beautiful as always.." he said, walking to me and tucking a piece of the wig behind my ear. "You're beautiful, Kelli May."
I felt my cheeks get red, my stomach doing flips. He was so close, I could smell him.

He placed his hand on my cheek, his face ever so slowly creeping towards mine. He was so close. His lips barely brushed mine before someone yelled.
"Are you gonna buy those or play around all day? I have a store to run!"

Me and Gerard hopped away from each other, my face burning. I looked at the worker standing in front of us, his badge reading manager.

I quickly took my wig off and placed it on the wall. "So sorry sir!" I said. Gerard walked over and put his wig back too.

The man scolded us and walked away.

The Way Things Are (Gerard Way)Where stories live. Discover now