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I lay on the soft grass of the park, my mind wandering aimlessly. But my mind kept coming back to one thing. Kelli.
She said she would be right back and its been almost 20 minutes. I hope she's okay. Maybe Kurt needed her help with something.
I desperately wish i had a cellphone so I could call her just to make sure.
I decided to wait 10 more minutes. If she isn't back by then, i will go find her.

I glanced around the empty park, the only other life I could see were the birds and squirrels and such that wandered around. Kelli would love all these animals.....

I decided I couldn't wait any longer. Something was wrong, i felt it in my bones. I stood from the ground and hurried back to the apartment complex, my mind spinning around all the possibilities of what could have happened to her.

I got inside the complex and made my way to the elevator, pressing floor number 3. I waiting for the doors to open and the elevator to stop, and when they did i bound out of the small box and ran to Kelli and i's apartment.

When i got there, the door was unlocked. I opened it and peered inside. It was empty from where i could see. "Kelli?!?" I called, worry starting to get to me. No reply! No no no! Something is wrong!

No, wait, get yourself under control, Gerard! She might be at the landlords apartment, giving him her key as planned!

I ran to the elevator, slamming my hand into the 1st floor button and waited. A few seconds later the bell dinged and the door opened, and i ran out. I made my way to the fifth door and knocked, a bit harder than was necessary. "Kelli?!" I called. No answer.....

When my fist collided with the door the third time, the door opened at the impact. I forgot normal human decency and ran in Kurts apartment, my eyes wildly darting around in search of the beautiful woman I've come to love.

"KELLI!!" I practically screamed. I felt my cheeks grow wet as tears fell down my face, my heart breaking.

My head perked up at the sound coming from the back, my hope starting to inflate in my chest. Maybe its her!! I ran down the hall and slung open the door, but then i felt my heart shatter again.

It wasn't her. It was Kurt, he was tied to a chair, his mouth gagged with a piece of fabric. I quickly ran to him, pulling my pocket knife out of my pocket and I started cutting Kurts binds. "What happened?!?" I asked urgently as I paused the untying to pull his gag out.

Kurt sucked in a deep breath. "Thanks." He mumbled.

"What happened!?" I asked a bit more sternly this time. I finished the binds in him and he stood, rubbing his wrists, sore from the rope.

He sighed. "Some man broke in here, tied me up. He stole my phone and made me call Kelli, tell her to come back. She called him Ronnie or something." Kurt said quickly. Then he met my eyes. "He took her." He added solemnly.

My eyes went wide. No! Not Kelli! "Son of a bitch!" I screamed as I punched the wall, my fist leaving a small indention in it wake. I walked up to Kurt and grabbed his shoulders. "Did He say where he was taking her?" I asked, my voice more serious than its been in a while.

Kurt thought for a moment. "I heard him say on the phone that he was going to the 'dogs house'." Im not too sure what he meant..."

My eyes went wide in realization. "Why would he go there?" I murmured to myself. How did he know about the Doggs? Why would he go to the Iero mansion? Well, i guess it isn't the Iero mansion anymore....since Frank is dead. The mansion goes to whoever is running the Doggs. If we are being honest, if i really did kill Frank, i would get to be leader, but ive been in a mental asylum and I didn't kill Frank.

But why the fuck would Ronnie go there? How does he even know about that place? Only important people in the gang and close friends of the leader knows where it is and that it even exists!

But its all the way back in HollyHill.... "I need to hurry!" I said, running out of the room and out of the apartment. I went to Kelli and I's apartment, retrieving all the money and imported resources I could. I'd need them to get back.

I ran back down to the first floor, taking the stairs this time, running back into Kurts apartment. He was sitting at his kitchen table, a beer in his hand. I took a 50$ bill and put it on the table. "I was never here.." i said, making sure he understood before i went back outside of the apartment complex and went to the bus station, waiting for the next bus.

I stood, pacing back and forth on the sidewalk, trying to figure out what to do. I didn't even realize i was biting my nails till I tasted blood and I realized i bit a bit to deep. People kept looking at me like i was crazy; if only they knew.

I wish i had told Kelli how i felt! I wish i had taken advantage of all the chances ive had, the opportunity's. I mentally scolded myself at the thought of it! I will never forgive myself if she dies and i never told her.
I didn't want to think about that though, her dying. It would just make my worries worse.

I heard the screech of brakes and i looked up to see the bus, the doors opening. I bounded up the steps and settled down for the longest ride of my life.

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