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I felt myself come out of my deep sleep. For a second, I expected to be in my room, at my apartment. But i then remembered i wasn't. I went to shift my weight a bit, very surprised when I realized i was held in place by an arm. An arm that didn't belong to me.
Thats when I remembered Gerard and I had to share a bed.

My eye lids fluttered open, revealing the soft light in the motel room that was a bit muffled by the curtains. I wearily looked down at the arm draped across my side. Somehow in the night me, Gerard and I found ourselves in a spooning position. Gerard's pale arm was draped across my waist, my back pressed up against him. I could smell his Coffee and Cigarette smell even clearer now.

Its not that i hated the position, i just wasn't used to being this close to someone. Especially when the person already makes my heart do summersaults when they are within 5 feet of me. I eventually found myself relaxing into it. I know I shouldn't be. i should be getting up and away, but I didn't want to.

I froze when he shifted his weight, pulling me closer to him subconsciously. Then i felt him tense. He must have finally realized what was happening.
He slowly retracted his arm, instantly leaving me colder. He must still think im asleep.
I felt the bed shift as he got up, walking to the kitchen and pulling a bottle of water from the fridge.
I eventually sat up and he looked at me. "Good morning." He said, clearly thinking I didn't know what he found when he woke.

"Morning." I said. I decided id let it go too. Less complicated that way. I yawned slightly as I stretched my back out.

"Did you have a good sleep?" He asked as he walked to the small kitchen table and sat down. I heard the amusement in his voice. He clearly was thinking about us cuddling too.

I sighed and then decided to mess with him a bit. "As good as anyone can when you're being cuddled by their mental patient." I said, swinging my legs out from under the covers and over the side of the bed.

He coughed as choked on his water. He finally regained his breath and looked at me. "You were awake, then?"

I smirked and nodded. "Yep." I said. "You want coffee?" I added, eager to change the subject.

He nodded. "Yes, please!" He looked like a kid that was just asked if they wanted a pony.

"Let me get ready and we'll go to the coffee shop i saw down the street." I said, rising and getting my clothes and going to the bathroom.
I changed into a pair or acid wash jeans and a plain black tee. I walked back out, Gerard also dressed and ready for the day. "Ready to go?" I asked, grabbing my keys from the table.
He nodded and we walked out of the room, walking to my car.

I got in the drivers seat and Gerard in the passengers. I started the car and we started driving and he fiddled with the stereo, finally setting on a Classic Rock station. He hummed along to the song and I watched him from the corner of my eyes.

His wild onyx hair cascading gently around his beautiful, pale face. His beautiful caramel eyes with the with the subtle flecks of green, wide with happiness. He had his hand out the window, clearly soaking in all the freedom he's been lacking the past months. It was in the moment where i knew i loved him. More than anything.

I shook my head and put my attention back on the road ahead of me, turning into the parking lot of the small coffee shop. We got out of the car, and walked in. There was a few people there, not many. Maybe 4? Anyway, we went and sat down across from each other at a small booth in the far corner.

Gerard eyed me for a moment, contemplating something. "Are you always this tense in the morning?" He asked, glimpsing down to my clenched hand that laid on the table. I didn't even realize its, but my knuckles were white from clenching so tightly.

I released the pressure, placing my hands in my lap. "Just nerves.." i mumbled, silently praying for the waitress or waiter to get here. I was starving. But i was so stressed, I doubt id be able to eat much anyway.

Concern flooded his beautiful features . "Whats wrong?"

"Just the overwhelming worry that Ronnie or the authorities will find us at anytime." I said. I didn't include the other overwhelming worry i had. The worry that i had that i had indeed fallen for Gerard Way, and I didn't know how to deal with that.

Gerard smirked slightly. "You and me both." He said, strumming his fingers on the table lightly.

A dark haired girl made her way to us, a cheery smile on her face. For some reason, her expression pained me. It looked very similar to the way Hayley looked when she was happy. God knows what's she's dealing with right now.

"Hi," the girl begun. "Im Julia! Is there anything you'd like?" She asked. The girl glimpsed and me, distaste in her expression, but then looked back at Gerard. She clearly thought he was attractive.

"Ill take a coffee, Black."Gerard said.

"Alrighty!" She said, turning to go away.

"Wait!" Gerard called at her and she immediately obeying.


"You didn't get my friend anything.." he said, gesturing to me.

She reluctantly turned to me.
"Ill take a coffee, With cream." I told her, a tight smile on my face, and she turned away from us, but not before shooting Gerard with a smile.
I wanted to rip that smile off her pretty little face.

Gerard smirked and had to physically restrain himself from laughing. "Dang, Cat fight." He said.

i glared at him.

We sat in silence for a second. He looked up at me, his eyes full of genuine curiosity. "Whats the plan? How long are we staying at the motel?" He asked.

I sighed. "I planned to be at the motel a day or two." I explained. "Then, maybe go to New York." I hesitated "if thats okay with you? And if you are coming with me?"
I didn't let the hope ring too clearly in my voice. I 100% wanted him to come with me. But, would he even want to?

He thought for a moment. "Sounds like a good plan." He smirked "and of course. I'd love to see  New York."

The Waitress came back up to out table, drinks in hand. She sat mine down, a bit roughly, with my drink sloshing out, and sat Gerard's sweetly in front of him. She flashed him a smile. "Anything else, sir?" She asked Gerard.
She clearly was making it clear I wasn't aloud to get anything else.

He shook his head. He shot me a glance and then smiled. "My Boyfriend took me out to eat already." He said. I almost choked on my coffee. He then gestured to me, "unless my friend would like anything?" He asked me.

The girls eyes went a bit wide at Gerard's....lie?. She then relaxed and her face became solemn. She turned to me. "You want anything?" She asked
I shook my head. She rolled her eyes and walked away.

As soon as she was gone, I started laughing.

Gerard joined in softly. "I had to get her off my case somehow!" He said with a shrug.

"You said that lie way too easily." I said. Then i quickly frowned. Oh No. "unless you are gay? And if so im so so sorry! I didn't know!" I said.

It was Gerards turn to laugh. "No, im not. But man, you got so worried!" He said.

I sighed before reaching across and smacking his arm.

He WILL be the death of me.

AN: Heyyy guys! Okay, just to clear stuff up.

1: If anything i wrote about Gerard being Gay offends you, im sorry. I am in no way bashing on the LGBTQ community. I love you all. Just please dont take it the wrong way!

2: I chose Ronnie Radke as the bad guy cus he fits the role, but i dont hate ronnie, guys. I love ronnie. So please dont be mad about that, either.


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