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I sighed as i went in my door when i got home. I had a small studio apartment. It wasn't much, but i lived alone, so how much space do i really need?

"Im home!" I whispered to myself as i went to my room to change. I never wear my normal clothes to work, due to them being deemed, unprofessional. But when i went home, i got to change into my cute pajamas with skulls on them.

I know what you're thinking. "Is she emo? Is she goth?" But nope. Im nothing really. I just wear what i feel comfortable in and im not sure that what i wear falls in a certain style. Im just me.

I went to bed, silently dreading going to work where the only patient i have, doesn't even talk to me.


I woke up the next morning, took a quick shower and out in my outfit for work. A black button up blouse and a black pleated skirt with a pair of flats.
I did my hair and makeup and then drove to work.

When I walked in, several people where running around super busy. More busy then normal. I saw Hayley pass me and i called to her.

She came up to me. "Thank God you're here!" She said. "We need help."

I looked at her, confusion covering my face. "Whats happened? Whats going on?" I asked

Hayley looked at me a bit surprised. "You didn't get a call?" I shook my head "well," she continued "Your old patient, Mack, killed her self this morning." Hayley said, sympathy lacing her voice. "Im sorry, Kelli."

Oh man. She promised me at our last session that she was feeling better. That our sessions were helping her see why suicide wasn't the answer. This news made me feel a little sad, but I didn't show it. "Oh. Well, whys everyone running around for? Last time a patient took their life, it wasn't this crazy." I asked.

"Mack wasn't the only thing this morning that happened. We found Gerard Way, your new patient, out in the halls somehow. He broke out of his room." Hayley explained.

"What! How?!" I asked. How the hell did he manage that?!

"Not sure. Everyones been waiting on you, seeing as you're his doctor and all" Hayley said.

I nodded at her and made my way to Gerard's room.  I unlocked the door and went inside. He was sitting on his bed, head in his hands. If I wasn't so upset, I might even feel sorry for how sad and tired he looked.

"Mr.way?" I asked.

He looked up at me. "What do you want?" He asked. He finally spoke to me. For some reason that made me feel a little bit better. Maybe because that means i might get some progress with him.

"Im glad to hear your voice. How are you?" I asked. I better not start asking how he got out right away. Might make him not speak to me again.

He looked at me skeptically, then shrugged. He obviously has trust issues.

"Well, is there anything i can do to make you feel more comfortable?"

He looked at me sharply. "Yeah, get me outa here." He said, venom in his words. I stepped back a bit. He noticed and smirked. "Right. Everyones scared of me"

I tried to relax a bit. I wanted him to feel comfortable around me. Like he could trust me. Then maybe we can get to why he did what he did. "Im not scared of you, Mr.Way." I said.

"Dont call me that, Kelli" he snapped. "I hate it. Makes me feel like im my dad."

I was taken back by him calling me by my first name. But I nodded slowly. I knew what he meant. "Well, what do you want me to call you?"

"Just call me Gerard. Anything but 'Mr. Way." He said.

I nodded. "Ok, Gerard. I have a question."

He raised his eyebrows. "Clearly im not getting out of here anytime soon, so hit me." He said, exhaustion clear in his voice.

"Well, i need to know how you got out of your room?"

He gave me a annoyed scoff. "Yeah, you and everyone else here." He said as he stood from his bed and walked in my direction. My heartbeat started speeding up. I wasn't scared of him, but he also didn't have his straight jacket on.

He walked to his small desk beside where i was standing and took out his deodorant, taking it apart and pulling out something. He put his deodorant back as he tossed me the small object, me barely catching it. Thats when I realized it was my paperclip. I knew i had a paperclip on those papers! I thought i was loosing it. "You stole my paperclip?!" I asked.

He smiled softly. "Yeah, sorry. Kinda needed it" he said. Then looked me up and down, causing me to become really self conscious. "Didn't peg you for a skulls girl." He said with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes. "Theres a lot of things you dont know about me, Gerard." Why was i letting him get to me?

He smirked at that. "Sounds like a challenge" he mumbled quietly to himself.

I ignored him and turned to the door. "We have a session at 2:00 pm. Just letting ya know." I said over my shoulder, before walking out of the room, making sure i lock the door behind me.

The nerve of that man.

AN: Sorry this was a bit shorter. Its mostly just a filler. Love you all ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

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