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The first thing I noticed when I slipped back out of sleep, was I couldn't move. I was being restrained, not too sure by what though. I wanted to open my eyes, but i was unusually tired. The air felt damp, and thin, like in a subway tunnel. But im pretty sure I wasn't in a subway tunnel. I was definitely underground somewhere.

I was awake for maybe 5 minutes, before i lost conscience again. It was one of those sleeps where you weren't conscious, but you could hear everything going on around you, a light sleep. It was strange. I could hear the sound of metal against metal, maybe a door opening, but I couldn't open my eyes. I wanted to, but my body was fighting against me.

I could feel eyes on me, and i knew there was another presence in the room. I didn't hear anything for about 5 minutes, just the sound of my own breathing. Then, i felt hands on my arm, and i felt a sharp pain shoot up my arm.

I heard something clatter to the ground as something cold and hard pressed up against my cheek. "Are you awake?" Said a voice. After a minute, the person huffed and the cold thing on my cheek disappeared. I heard the door open again, and then close. This time i heard a heavy deadbolt lock the door, closing me in wherever i was.

I was in my weird comatose like state for a few more minutes, and then i felt myself slowly regain feeling and control of my body again. I wiggled my fingers and toes, and then went to trying to move my limbs again. But to no avail, i was still restrained.

It took a while but i was finally able to slowly open my eyes. At first, all i saw was the cement ceiling, the cracks along it creating small figures if focused  a certain way. And then i got the strength to lift my head; I was in a dimly lit 4X4 room, the dirty cement walls and floors were blank, and i was laying on a metal table. To my right was a IV stand, and thats when I realized i was so groggy because i had been drugged. Thats what the sharp pain in my arm was, the person had taken the IV out.

Thats when it all came back to me. I was so worried about where i was, i had forgotten who had taken me. Ronnie! He was here, he was who brought me here, wherever here was...

I felt my breath speed up as I began to hyperventilate. No no no! He was gonna kill me, or God knows what else. I shuddered at the thought. I felt the tears fall out of my eyes. "LET ME OUT!!!!" I screamed through the sobs that escaped my throat. "GERARD!" I screamed, even though i knew he wouldn't hear.

Gerard was probably back in New York. At least i hoped he was. I would rather him be a 1,000 miles away than here where he could be hurt.
I wish i had told him how much he meant to me, how much i loved him. And now i was going to die without him ever knowing.

Even if he rejected me, it would have been okay. It would have been better than me not telling him and him feeling unloved the rest of his life. Even if he did reject me, he could never say no one loves him. Because i do. More than anything in my life. More than my life. I would willingly die right now if it meant he was happy and safe.

I jumped at the click of the deadbolt being unlocked. The horrible sound of metal against metal sounded as the giant metal door was pushed open, and i saw Ronnie step into the dim light.

He shut the door behind him, then turning to me. "Not like you can run out it anyway." He said gesturing to the restraints and then to the door. He walked over and reached out to caress my cheek.

I fought against the the restraints in defiance. "Dont touch me!" I hissed through gritted teeth. The thought of his skin on mine made me want to puke.

He laughed darkly as he withdrew his hand away from me and back to his side. "Oh, you'll be wanting me to do something as simple as touch you when i start your real torture." He said.

My eyes went wide. "What do you even want from me?" I asked, my mind reeling at the thoughts of everything he could do to me.

He laughed again. "You were always so innocent, Kelli." He said softly, reaching out and caressing mg cheek. I tried to yank my head away, but I couldn't. He continued to outline my features with his cold fingers. "You are utterly facilitating. I want to hear the way you plead, i want to know what your blood feels like lathered on my hands, i want you to beg me to kill you." He then suddenly grabbed my chin and forced me to look at his cold, dead eyes. "Beg for me." He ordered.

I kept my face cold and hard. I wouldn't let him see my fear in my features. I stared him down, my clear act of defiance.

He squeezed my face so hard, i was sure a bruise was already forming. "Beg" he seethed. I just stared at him, unwavering. His gaze was filled with clear hate, but then something flashed in his eyes. "Fine." He said.
And then he leaned down and trailed his tongue down my cheek. My eyes went wide. No. Please! I wanted to plead, but i knew it would just give him more satisfaction. I suppressed a sob as his tongue made its way to my neck.
I tried not to think about it. The thought of him making any type of contact with my skin. If i did, I knew I would throw up.

When Ronnie realized I wasn't going to beg, or anything, he stopped and lifted his head, his face filled with fury. "Fine!" He screamed. "If you wont beg for your own well-being, maybe you would beg if i went and found that little boyfriend of yours! I would love to see him writhing on the ground just like his friend did when I killed him."

My eyes went wide. "What?" I croaked out.

Ronnie smirked. "Well, of course when i killed.....what was his name? Frank?" He thought for a moment. "Oh well, it doesn't matter. When I killed Frank i never planned for Gerard to get involved with you. That was a coincidence. And it was fairly easy to pin the whole thing on Gerard when he was so Drunk he wouldn't remember if he killed Frank or not." He explained.

I felt myself go numb. Ronnie killed Frank? "Why?" I asked.

Ronnie smirked again. It sickened me. "Because, Frank Iero ran the biggest gang in Hollyhill. And if I killed him, I would then run the biggest gang." He said.

"Why do you want to run the Doggs?!" I asked.

Ronnie shrugged. "More convenient." He said. "For one, i knew you lived in Hollyhill, so of course I settled down here. And second, with all those people at my my disposal, I knew I would have you in my grasp sooner rather than later." He paused for a second before continuing. "And do you know how easy it was to slither up close to your best friends boyfriend? Poor Kellin was oblivious to the fact that its a little strange when a random stranger suddenly approaches you and wants to help fund your band."

I let all this settle for a moment. I couldn't believe this. All this information, being given to me so willingly, 100% confirmed the fact that Ronnie didn't believe i would ever leave this place alive.

"That's also how I found you." He said, bringing my attention back to him. He smiled that creepy, unhinged smile that makes my skin crawl. "It was much too easy to get information out of your friend..." he said softly, watching my reaction intently. "She all but saw the knife and was already telling me everything."

My eyes went wide in realization. "What did you do to her?!" I screamed. The thought of him hurting Hayley was almost as bad at the thought of him hurting Gerard.

Ronnie laughed at my outburst. "Don't worry." He said. "She's alive.....barely."

I felt the tears falling now. And i was so enveloped in my own thoughts, I didn't even realize i was once again alone in the room.

AN: Oooo I promised drama for you guys!!

I really feel like my writing is getting better every chapter. :)

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