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She's getting me out. Kelli is getting me out of this hell hole.
Thoughts reeled in my head as i sat in my bed, head in hands.
But I hated that he was back. I hate this Ronnie guy even though ive never met him. He hurt her. And she didn't deserve that. Kelli will never deserve it.
She's too pure. Too kind. And i think i love her.

I care for her more than anyone ive ever met and its so strange to me. Ive never been in love before. And im not even sure if what im feeling is love. But all i know is i would kill anyone, go anywhere, do anything as long as it made her happy and safe.

I doubt she feels the same though.

It was finally 2:00 and Hayley and Pete came and got me to take me to Kelli and I's room. They were guiding me through the hall, when A man approached us.

"Hayley! Hey!!" The man said.

We stopped walking and Hayley greeted the man. "Hey, Ronnie!"

I froze and i felt my blood start boiling. This is Ronnie. Kelli's Ronnie. This bastard stabbed her, and now he's here acting like nothing happened.

"Wheres Kelli?" He asked Hayley. He had an arrogant smirk on his face. I wanted to wipe it off. Maybe with a pistol.

I felt my jaw stiffen. I glared at him. "She's going to be with me. She wont be available to see you.."I said through gritted teeth.

Ronnie looked at me and realization grew in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up. He knew i know exactly who he was. "Uhhh...."

Hayley shot me 'shut up' look but then smiled again to cover it up. "Sorry, this is her patient. We were transporting him to her for a therapy session. Their pretty close.." Hayley told ronnie.

Ronnie nodded and shot me a glance. My face was hard as stone as i glared at him and he shifted uneasily. "Oh, well i can come back around closing. Maybe me and her can grab some dinner. Catch up." Ronnie told Hayley.

No. No. No. He cant come back. "No!" I blurted out before I could stop myself.
Hayley, Ronnie and Pete all looked at me like i was crazy. Well....they probably did think i was crazy. I was a patient in a mental institution.
" and her have another session tonight...." i lied.

Hayley frowned. "Oh. I didn't know that. Well...maybe tomorrow, Ronnie." Hayley said.

Ronnie shot me a murderous look before smirking. "Unless Mr. Crazy here is going to be with her again tomorrow..." Ronnie said. It was his small attempt of saying, 'tell me no again. I dare you'.

"I dont know yet." I said. I turned to pete. "Can we go now?" I asked.
Pete nodded.

"Bye, Ronnie!" Hayley said as we walked away.

When we finally got to the room, Kelli was already there, sitting in her seat waiting. Hayley and Pete let me in and as soon as they closed the door i rushed to my seat across from her. "He's here."

Her eyes went wide with fear. "What?! How do your know?"

"He came and talked to Hayley on our way here. He said he wanted to see you but i said you were busy, with me. And he then wanted to come back tonight but i said me and you had another session. He definitely knows that i know who he is." I explained.

"Oh no.." she said, running her hand through her dark hair. A habit ive seen her do many times when she's stressed. "He wont leave me alone. I-ill have to move."

My stomach dropped. "No! Kelli, You can't leave!"
Is it possible to die from a broken heart?

She shook her head. "I dont want to, trust me. But if  i dont he'll end up killing me." She said.

I reached across the table and took her hand in mine. "Kelli, please dont leave me." I murmured.

She smiled softly "i wont. Youll come with me."

"Wait, really?"

She nodded. "Im getting you out. Tomorrow. We can both get fresh starts. Have a life to-" she stopped herself. "Uhm anyway, we should make a plan." She said. I thought back to those nights i spent formulating a plan back when i was going to use kelli to get out of here. It could work still.

I nodded. "Dont worry..." i said with a smirk. "I already have one."

She looked at me with a curious gleam in her eyes. "What is it?" She asked.

I explained it all to her and she said it would work out great. We talked a bit more and i told her everything i needed for this to work; A hair pin, normal clothes, and a cellphone.
Then i was took back to my cell. Kelli said she was too scared to go home. And i dont blame her. So she is sleeping in her office. No one else knew she was staying, though. And everyone has already left by 9pm.

I laid in my bed but I couldn't sleep. Mostly due to the excitement of me getting out and for the fact that i was getting to leave with kelli. Honestly, im kinda glad i got put in here. If I wasn't in here, I'd never have met Kelli. I just wish she felt the same.

It was maybe 1 am when i was snapped from my thoughts when i heard a light knock in my door. "Gerard, are you awake?" Came a light whisper from outside.

I sat up. "Yeah." I replied, knowing who it was. Kelli May.

She unlocked the door and came in. "Couldn't sleep either, huh?" She asked me as she sat at the foot of my bed.

I shook my head. "Nope." I said as i ran my hand through my hair.

She sighed. "Im sorry i came here. I was just kinda lonely, I guess. My office isn't the most homely place." She said.

I nodded in understanding. "Yeah. Im glad you're here, though."

She smiled lightly and i think i saw her cheeks turn pink. But it was dark, so who knows. "Me too." She said softly.

We sat in silence for a bit before i got an idea. "What's your favorite color?" I asked.

She looked at me. "What?"

"Yeah. We don't really know each other. So i thought we would play 20 questions or something." I said.

She nodded. "Ok"

"So, whats your favorite color?" I asked. "Mines red."

She thought for moment. "Green, I suppose." She said. "Whats your favorite animal? Mines a horse."

"Dog." I said. "Although I always wanted a hamster."

She giggled slightly. "Mr. Sass wants a hamster?"

I nodded, smiling a bit at the nickname. "Yeah. My parents wouldn't let me have one as a kid, so ive always wanted one."

She smiled. "My parents never let me have a horse, neither."

"Well, how bout this." I said. "When we get out of here and start a new life, ill take you horseback riding if you get me a hamster, Deal?"

She nodded. "Deal."

AN: some of you have HAD to have seen the vid of Gerard getting the hamster cage, right?

I hope so or the hamster thing will make NO sense lmao.

I dont think he ever actually got a hamster, though.

QOTD: Fave MCR song?

AOTD: uhhh Famous last words, Mama, to the end, kill all your friends, and demolition lovers. I just love all those. but every single mcr song is immaculate.

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