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October 22nd 2020

"I love him though, surely you understand that" Ashley whispered, as she finally took a sip of the wine she had been declining all evening. "I mean, how many times have you forgiven Jack?" Ashley mumbled as Amber rolled her eyes. "It's not forgiving someone if they didn't actually cheat on you, it's believing the truth over a vicious lie" Amber mumbled. "I know, I'm sorry, I'm just in my own head at the moment" Ashley mumbled, as she finished the wine, as Mia smirked towards both girls. "At this rate we will be going out out" Mia chimed, as Ashley shook her head. "I can't, I have a shoot tomorrow" Ashley whispered, knowing she had a shoot with her fiancée, knowing that he wasn't going to the party over the weekend, all the negative thoughts clouding her head.

"Babe, do you know where I put Chilly's jumper?" Jack shouted from the hallway, as Amber rolled her eyes. "Yeah, it's in here" Amber smiled back, as Jack and Ben walked into the room.

But Ben couldn't help but take Ashley in, noticing the smaller things about the girl first, how her smile was wide, her eyes shining as she laughed at something Mia had said, how her laugh sounded so sweet, how it wasn't forced, the amount of laughs he had heard that were forced was enough to last him a life time, but here he was, looking at someone who looked to perfect, so humble, and this was the first time he had met her, and he hadn't even met her, he was just staring at her, as Jack smirked at him, knowing he had hit the nail on the head this time.

"Oh, Ash you haven't met Ben have you?" Jack smiled, as Ashley turned her head to look at Ben and Jack, smiling at them, as she moved her hand, and Bens eyes landed on her ring finger, of course was engaged or married, he knew it was too good to be true.

"No, I haven't, must be the only footballer you haven't tried to hook me up with" Ashley laughed, as Ben nodded his head, he couldn't move his eyes from hers, he knew it that moment that this was Jacks plan all along, he didn't need the lads group chat to confirm it, he knew that this was who Jack wanted him to meet.

"You're in that band aren't you?" Ben questioned, as Ashley nodded her head, the smile not fading from her face. "I am indeedy" Ashley smiled. "And I believe you're in that team that kicks a football around" Ashley giggled, as Mia and Amber began to look at each other, both of them noticing how this was the most relaxed, or even happiest they had seen Ashley in months.

"That would be correct, you'll have to come and see us sometime, I mean, when we play for England that is" Ben smiled, as he reached down and lifted the jumper that he didn't even remember leaving at Jacks, holding it to his chest. "Anyway, it was nice to meet you Ashley, I'll see everyone on Saturday" Ben stated, as he looked at Amber and Mia as they nodded their heads. "Yeah, Ill be back later babe, just going to go play some FIFA" Jack whispered, as he pressed his lips to Ambers briefly. "Okay, don't forget you have early training tomorrow" Amber reminded Jack as he smiled at her nodding his head. "I know babe" Jack smiled.

"That was Ben Chilwell wasn't it?" Ashley mumbled, as Mia nodded her head, her eyes looking at Ashley as she took another drink from her wine glass. "Yeah, know him?" Mia smiled, as Ashley shook her head. "Oh yeah, your fiancée doesn't understand why you associate yourself with people who roll around in the mud" Mia mumbled, as Ashley sighed to herself.

"I've known Mason since I was eight, I've known Dec since I was eight, he needs to understand that they're parts of my life that will never go away" Ashley whispered. "And without them, I wouldn't have you two" Ashley mumbled, as she held her hand to both of her best friends hands. "I love you both so much" Ashley mumbled. "But you need to let it go, you need to let whatever it is you hate about him go" Ashley whispered.
"His going to be my husband" Ashley stated, her voice confident, even if she wasn't.
"That's my problem" Mia mumbled, as Ashley and Amber looked at her. "Sorry, that was the last comment" Mia mumbled. "For tonight anyway" Mia whispered with a smirk, as she finished the glass of wine.

"Right, what's our plans for the night?" Amber smiled, as she topped the wine glasses up, kicking herself mentally, she didn't want to drink, but it was something that always happened when the girls got together, it didn't happen often, despite them all living less than half an hour from each other, all of them having hectic job lives.

"I was thinking some cute chick flick, order a pizza, open another bottle of wine, and talk shit about our partners" Amber smirked, as Mia gasped, holding a hand to her face.
"I couldn't say anything bad about Mase, ever" Mia laughed, as Ashley threw a cushion at her. "We literally spoke on FaceTime the other day about how you hate when he leaves his socks by the front door" Ashley giggled, as Amber nodded her head. "And how Jack uses Ambers shampoo because it smells nicer than his, but will never go and buy it for himself, and then never replaces the empty bottle" Ashley continued, as Amber nodded her head.
"So, what's the one thing you hate about Jordan?" Amber whispered, as Ashley looked down at her lap, trying to think of just one thing, but being hit with what felt like a hundred.
"He doesn't do anything like that, I don't think I can really think of one" Ashley whispered, but she knew she was lying to herself.

"Love blinds you sometimes doesn't it" Amber smiled, as she thought about how one day she would finally be Mrs Grealish after years of being with him. "Did you pick a date for the wedding?" Ashley questioned to Amber, as she shook her head. "Not yet no, but eventually we will, I think we're waiting for international break before we start thinking about things" Amber smiled. "But how about you? It's not that long now" Amber smiled, as Ashley nodded her head, watching as Mia put 'the other woman' on, Ashley rolling her eyes, she knew that Mia always put this on to make a statement about Jordan, and how Mia was convinced somewhere else in the world he was already married to someone.
"Nine weeks" Ashley smiled, as Amber nodded her head.
"Here's to getting married" Amber smiled, as she held up her wine glass.
"Here's to still waiting for a fucking ring" Mia sang, holding her glass up, as the girls all laughed together, it was moments like this that should never change.

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