One Hundred and Twenty Five.

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January 7th 2021

Ben couldn't help but wipe his sweaty palms against the jeans he had chosen to wear, the hoodie clinging to his body in the rain that was beginning to fall from the sky, as he sucked in a deep breath, shaking his hands slightly to shake rbe nerves that were flowing through his body, before he knocked on the door of Mia's house.

"Hey Benjamin" Amber smiled as she opened the door, a smile on his face as he peered past his friends fiancée, seeing the girl he couldn't wait to take out smiling right back at him. 

"I feel like I'm meeting her parents" Ben laughed, as Amber shook her head laughing at her friend. "Well, Mase is very protective, he wants her home by ten" Mia chuckled, as Amber stepped aside, letting Ben into the house as Ben shook his own head with a smile on his face.

"Half ten? It's not a school night is it?" Ben teased, as Mason shook his head. "Because I think you're a decent guy, latest eleven" Mason smirked, as he gave Ashley a quick smile, before Ashley walked towards Ben, a smile on her face, and for the first time in a long while, she felt the happiest she had been in a while.

"Shall we get out of here?" Ben smiled, as Ashley nodded her head, the smile ever leaving her lips, a small question flying around her head as to why it had taken so long to finally accept that she wanted this, that she wanted Ben.

"So where are we going?" Ashley questioned as she slipped into the passenger seat of Bens car. "I thought really hard about this, so I'll say sorry now before you say you hate it" Ben stated, as he looked over at Ashley with a serious look on his face as she smiled at him shaking her head.

"Whatever it is I'm sure it'll be fine, because I'm here with you, and that's all I could possibly want" Ashley smiled, as Ben nodded his head grinning at her. "I have the perfect song for that phrase" Ben smiled, as he pressed play on his phone and the song began to play softly through the speakers.

Merrily we fall out of line, out of line, I'd fall anywhere with you, I'm by your side, swinging in the rain, humming melodies, we're not going anywhere until we freeze

"Ben this is perfect" Ashley breathed, as she looked around at the outside cinema Ben had chosen for their date night. "It gets better" Ben smiled, as he opened the boot of his car showing Ashley the blankets, pillows and food basket he had prepared. "Oh Ben" Ashley smiled, and she couldn't help but throw her arms around him, burying her head into his chest as he chuckled softly.

"Do you believe in fate?" Ashley mumbled from Bens chest, as he rested his head on top of hers. "I believe that everything happens for a reason" Ben stated, as Ashley pulled her head from his chest, looking up at him with her brown eyes, as Bens blue ones caught hers.

"I really want to kiss you right now" Ben smiled, as he brushed a strand of hair from her face behind her ear, holding her cheek softly. "Then kiss me" Ashley whispered, as Ben looked around briefly. "You don't mind?" Ben questioned, as Ashley smiled up at him. "I'm yours Ben" Ashley smiled, as Ben smiled back, before he placed his lips on hers, feeling the sparks fill his stomach.


"Tonight's been really great" Ashley smiled, as she leant against the porch of Mia and Masons house, as Ben leant against the banister smiling at him. "I feel like a teenager dropping their daughter off home late" Ben chuckled, as Ashley shook her head giggling.

"The excitement will wear off eventually" Ashley smiled, as Ben nodded his head. "I know" Ben smiled. "But they keep looking at us" Ben laughed, as Ashley smiled before she turned her head to the living room window, seeing the four sets of eyes on them through a gap in the blinds.

"You can come in you know, they don't bite" Ashley giggled, as Ben shook his head. "No, a proper date, I drop you home like a gentleman after you tease me about not seeing me again" Ben smirked. "But we both know you'll lie in bed tonight and you'll pick your phone up, go to type a text and then stop yourself and fall asleep thinking about how good tonight was" Ben smiled, as if he was quoting every cheesy chick flick film.

"But what if I do want to see you again" Ashley questioned, the playful tone dripping from her tone. "Then I'd leave here a happy man" Ben smiled, as he leant forward slightly, closing the gap between them slowly.

"What about if I said I'd be your girlfriend?" Ashley smiled, as Bens eyes widened. "Don't you think it's too soon?" Ben questioned, as Ashley felt her stomach drop slightly.

"I think, I've lived a life that wasn't mind the past few years, and I know that feelings like this don't come around everyday" Ashley started. "And I know that I want to hold on to this feeling for as long as I can" Ashley smiled, as Ben smiled up at her.

"Are you asking me to be your boyfriend Miss James?" Ben teased, as Ashley nodded her head laughing. "I'd love to be your girlfriend Mr Chilwell" Ashley smiled, as Ben leaned forward capturing her lips in his.

"I'd love nothing more" Ben smiled, as Ashley rested her forehead against his. But before either of them could steal another kiss, the front door behind them opened and Mason stood with his arms crossed.

"You're late, by two minutes" Mason smirked, as Mia laughed behind him. "Like you was ever on time bringing me home" Mia chuckled.

Ben smiled at Ashley, before he kissed her cheek, watching as Ashley smiled to herself as she turned around to face her friends.

"I promise to have my girlfriend back on time next time Mount" Ben smirked, as Masons eyes widened, and Mia began to jump up and down, as she pulled Ashley into the house, dragging her along to find Amber and Jack, as Ben walked with his hands in his pocket back to his car, thinking about how he couldn't be happier if he tried.

I don't wanna hide us away, tell the world about the love we making, I'm living for that day, someday

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