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Ashy 🌼
MeMe 🌸
Amby 🌺

Are you sure we can't convince you to join our holiday

Jordan said his got something planned, I'm sure if I can find the time I'll meet up with you guys
I still love you guys 🧡

Oh we know.
You just love Jordan more

Is my fiancée

What colour are you wearing on Saturday?
Did you get a dress yet?
As much as I love you, I want dresses
NOT a pantsuit

You have no faith in me do you🙃
I have got a dress.
It's very pretty actually.
Shame I'll only wear it once

If you're only wearing it once
I want it
I'll pull it from your cold body

How did we get so violent, so quickly?
I can't deal with you two sometimes
Maybe it's a good job we're not going to live together for two weeks

Now I feel offended
Left out
Now I now how Dec feels.

It's you who doesn't want to come

Because I'm going on holiday, with my fiancée

I hope his planned somewhere nice

Just sayin'
Could of been sunning it up with your besties
I know where I'd rather be

Let me get this right.
You'd rather be on holiday with your besties over Mase?

That is not what I'm saying
At all

It's totally what you said..
And now Mase knows that I'm better than him.
Love yaaaa

October 24th 2020

Ashley sat in the small park that she had grown to love since moving to the quieter area of London. She always seemed to be busy in the heart of London, so it felt nice to be able to take a step back and experience the nicer scenic areas she had found.

It's obvious you're meant for me, every piece of you, it just fits perfectly

Ashley couldn't help but take this time to sit and write song lyrics, she was a very open person, who always tried her best to please everyone she come into contact with, always wanting to the right thing, but she had found that because she liked to people please, she often neglected her own feelings and her self worth, staying in situations that she felt it was hard to walk away from, in fear she would always be alone.

But, something inside the brunette girl, the feelings that ignited her veins allowed her to write some pretty heartfelt songs, taking pride that she was able to write music so fluidly, a talent most people artist nowadays lacked, always buying songs from smaller artists to suit their own audience, and that was something Ashley wouldn't ever let herself do, the day she couldn't write was the day she would give up on music.

"Fancy seeing you here" Mason chuckled, as Declan walked next to him with Raffa, who was a lot more interested in running after the ducks than to stop and bark at Ashley. "Free park isn't it?" Ashley mumbled back, as Mason sighed, shaking his head and sitting down next to Ashley, as Dec took another seat on the other side of the girl.

"The girls don't mean to piss you off you know? They adore you, they just don't want to see you make a mistake" Mason whispered, as Ashley nodded her head, forcing a smile. "I know, and I love them for being honest, but sometimes I feel like I've grown from the group, sometimes it feels like I've left you all behind" Ashley whispered, as Declan scoffed. "Yeah right, god, like we would ever forget you" Declan mumbled, before showing her his cheesy grin.

Ashley tooled a strand of her hair behind her ears as she looked at the two best friends, she always knew she was the middle man, she knew that no matter what happened with anyone else; these two had her back no matter what.

"You'd tell me if you wasn't happy, wouldn't you?" Mason whispered, as Ashley nodded her head, but all the years of pinky promises come crashing down on her, almost as if she was breaking everyone of them. "Good, now you know you owe me" Mason smirked, as Ashley groaned. "What is it you could possibly want Lord Mount?" Ashley teased, as Mason rolled his eyes.
"You owe me a Chelsea game, it's been too long" Mason smirked, as Declan smirked next to him. "A little bird tells me that Chelsea play West Ham this weekend, the same day you would be local because of a big engagement party" Declan smirked, as Ashley shook her head laughing.
"Fine, okay fine" Ashley mumbled, but deep down she had no idea how she was swinging this one past Jordan.


October 26th 2020

Ashley stood in her old, oversized chelsea top, a top she had cherished since Mason had given it her, one of the first to be printed with his name on when he made the first team, and it was something Ashley just couldn't part with.

"It's quite loud isn't it" Jordan smiled, as he held Ashley's hand, both of them standing at the edge of the tunnel, the crowds slowly working their way through to their seats.

"Ash!" Masons voice called, as Ashley turned around, her hand still firmly placed in Jordans as Mason smiled at her. "You come then" Mason smiled. "Love the top" Mason smirked, as Jordan gave him a cold glance. "Oh, Jordan, nice to see you in a different environment" Mason smirked, as Ashley rolled her eyes at Masons comment.

Of course she wasn't able to swing the football match on her own, but of course whatever was too important for one of her best friends engagement party could be moved to later on in the day for a football match, but not for the party, which she had begged him to come to with her.

"Well Mason, I do like football" Jordan smiled, as he smiled down at Ashley. "And I'll do anything to make this one happy" Jordan continued to smile, as Mason nodded his head. "Makes two of us then" Mason smiled. "Oh, Jack and the girls will be up by the seats, I'm sure they'll be thrilled to see you" Mason smiled.

But all Ashley could think of, is how wrong this could go, and how quickly it could go wrong.

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