One Hundred and Seventeen

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January 5th 2021

Mia, Ashley, Amber and Lauren all sat in the living room of Mia and Masons house, open bottles of wine discarded across the living room table as One Direction played in the background, the girls humming and laughing along to the music, until the door slammed behind them.

"Oh hello" Mia giggled. As an angry looking Mason walked through the door, throwing his training bag on the floor next to the door, kicking his shoes off in a huff before he muttered a 'hi' and walked to the stairs and walked up them.

"I'd better go see what that's about" Mia mumbled before she followed her fiancée up the stairs, Ashley and Amber laughing at each other.

Mia opened her bedroom door worn caution, knowing that she had only seen this look on his fiancées face a couple of times. "Babe?" Mia questioned, as Mason shook his head looking at his fiancée.

"Did you know that Ash is getting back with Jordan?" Mason questioned, as Mia shook her head letting the laughter leave her lips. "Whatcha mean?" Mia giggled, and for once it wasn't the alcohol she has been drinking it was the actual sentence leaving his mouth.

"Why would you say that? You know how miserable she was with him" Mia continued, as Mason ran a hand through his hair in frustration. "She's my best friend Me, Ben is another close friend and it feels like she's just fucked him over" Mason muttered, as Mia shook her head in disbelief at her fiancée.

"Ash was in an arranged marriage, with someone who made her miserable and gave her no life, and if you think for some moment she's fucked Ben over then you're wrong babe" Mia stated back. "You know Ash better than anyone, you know that she wouldn't ever hurt Ben." Mia continued. "You know what the papers say about Jack, but Amber didn't walk away did she? I've never walked away, Ive stuck with it" Mia finished, as she shook her head at Mason.

"I don't know what to do or say" Mason mumbled, as Mia shook her head for a final time. "You don't get a say or an opinion in the situation, you just need to support your friends for a difficult time in the media" Mia replied, as she finally placed her arms around her fiancée and pulled him into her. "We get through everything, so I know that they will too, Ash adores him" Mia smiled, as she rested her head on Masons chest as his arms wrapped around her, holding her close. "I don't think they will" Mason whispered, before pressing a kiss to the top of her head, savouring the moment of just them two.


But on the other side of Cobham, Benjamin Chilwell was hard at work in the training rooms, pulling and pushing weights, running on the treadmil and pushing himself harder than the last round of training he did prior to the training he was doing now.

"They said you'd be here" Thomas Tuchell called from the doorway, as Ben stopped what he was doing, dropping the weight ball and turning to face his head coach. "Yeah just getting the last few hours in" Ben said sheepishly, it was was unusual for his head coach to be down these end of the training ground.

"You know you shouldn't push yourself too hard" Thomas stated, as Ben looked over at him nodding his head briefly.

"I know the love life not so good" Thomas smiled. "But she made you smile, she made you happy" Thomas just smiled to himself. "Somethings work out in the end" Thomas stated, before he nodded his head, a way of non verbal communication for the head coach, stating he was leaving Ben to it, or to make his choice.

And Ben did make his choice.

Days had past since the media and the news had blown out of proportion Ashley meeting her now ex fiancée, rumours - or the truth of it all being fake slowly swimming around, but nothing making it seem like that was the main reason.
Ben and Ashley hadn't spoken since Ben's outburst, which he had every right to rant about the situation. The female he was ready to make officially his girlfriend was meeting up with her current ex-fiancé, fake relationship or not, but Ben knew deep down he should listened and heard Ashley out.

Bur then the petty comments and mixed opinions between the friendship group dug the knife deeper, Ben refusing to make amends, Ashley feeling somewhat confident, and refused to back down from the new woman perch she was sitting on.

But as the days grew to an end and the friendship group had to plan accordingly, making sure their two lovers tiff friends weren't alone together, or didn't meet at all, but it wasn't working, and it was slowly pulling the stable relationships apart.

But soon enough, Ben was driving his car down to Mia and Mason's, knowing he shouldn't, knowing he should go and at least shower and make himself look presentable.

He knew she was there, and he knew that if he turned up on her doorstep, drink or sober she would probably turn him away. But as he drove, the video played softly in the background of the last time he had got to hear her sing, her vocals flowing around the car, as clear as day, as his heart beat faster and he knew what he had known all along.

It's obvious you're meant for me, every piece of you, it just fits perfectly, every second, every thought, I'm in so deep, but I'll never show it on my face

Ben pulled up in the driveway of Mia and Mason's and it didn't take him longer than two seconds to exist then car, before he knocked on the door, the nerves taking over his body as he waited for someone to answer the door, and then he was stood face to face with the person he had finally built up the courage to see.

"Ben?" Ashley questioned, her tone of voice sounding happier than he had expected, but her body language spoke a different tone.
"Ash, can we please talk?" Ben questioned, he didn't want to sound desperate, but he would plead on his knees to let her hear him out, but his heart only beat faster as she moved to the side, letting him walking into the house.

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