Fifty Four.

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November 21st 2020

"So you're telling me he flew to a different county and his stuck there?" Amber laughed as Ashley nodded her head on the FaceTime call between her and her two best friends. "I hope the plane crashes" Mia smiled as she took a sip of her cocktail, Mason laughing in the background as Ashley rolled her eyes. "Is there anyway you can be nice for a whole FaceTime call?" Ashley mumbled as Mia smiled at her. "If the FaceTime consisted of a hello and a goodbye, yeah I could" Mia smirked, as Amber laughed. "You asked for that one Ash" Amber smiled.

"Can you not come and isolate with us?" Mia questioned, as Ashley raised an eyebrow. "Isn't that against the rules?" Ashley questioned, as Mia shook her head. "Well it is Mia" Amber laughed, as Masons head appeared in front of Mias, a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

"Welllll, Jordan will have to isolate when he eventually gets back won't he?" Mason smirked, as he then opened his mouth going to say the words that Mia was already thinking.

"And Amber and Jack have like a five bedded house" Mia smirked, as Amber rolled her eyes. "Guys, you know I don't like to brag about my house" Amber scolded them. "I'd be happy in a card box as long as I was with Jack" Amber smiled, as she looked over the phone, smiling at whatever it was Jack was doing in the background.

"Well, Boris is reviewing the guidelines tonight, so if we have to continue isolating, why don't we all go to Amber and Jacks? At least we can all be together and not be that bored" Mason smiled. "I mean, we're all on zoom or FaceTime all day as it is" Mason continued.

"That sounds like an idea" Jacks voice boomed, as he stood behind Amber, rubbing her shoulders as she leaned back into his body. "I mean, we're still isolating, I don't see a problem with it" Jack smiled, as Ashley began to contemplate the thought of actually isolating with people instead of her Netflix account and her plants.

"I'll think about it?" Ashley whispered, as her phone began to ring with Jordan's name flashing across the screen. "I need to go, Jords calling" Ashley stated with a small smile. "Urgh, tell him to fuck off" Mia mumbled, as Ashley rolled her eyes. "I'll speak to you later" Ashley mumbled, as she ended the call, and saw her fiancée appear on the screen.

"Hey" Jordan smiled, as Ashley gave him a small smile back. "Hey" Ashley breathed. "You okay?" Jordan whispered, as Ashley nodded her head. "You?" Ashley questioned back as Jordan nodded his head.

Usually the two of them were more talkative, this relationship may be fake but their friendship wasn't. Despite them not being romantically into each other they still got on really well on most days, they had learned what the other liked and didn't like, and it wasn't long until they got on and had a friendship, it was just a shame that all had to come down to a signed piece of paper.

"You're okay with pushing the wedding back aren't you?" Jordan questioned as Ashley sighed to herself. "I didn't really have a choice Jord" Ashley whispered as Jordan took a turn to sigh and nod his head. "I know babe, and it's rubbish, and I wish it was more simple I do" Jordan mumbled.

Jordan understood Ashley's frustration with the whole thing. He hadn't told begin with, but he realised how much of a life Ashley missed out on due him being in an arranged marriage with her.
To begin with, it was all fun and games, they still both had a life. But as the contact was drew up, and re-signed, Jordan realised that Ashley didn't get to live the life he did, she could hardly go anywhere without him, and as much as he needed this and liked her as a person, he couldn't help but feel like he was to blame for it all at the end of the day.

"It could be more simple Jord, you can put a stop to all of this" Ashley whispered, as Jordan looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "I'm right though Jord, don't you think this has gone on long enough now?" Ashley whispered, as she tried to hide the emotion in her voice.

Jordan knew she wanted out, and he knew he was the only person who could stop this all from happening, but part of him was growing fonder of having Ashley around.

"Anyone would think you wanna marry someone else" Jordan laughed, but Ashley didn't laugh, she didn't even smile.

"There someone else isn't there?" Jordan whispered, as Ashley sighed, and debated on whether she wanted to tell him, as much as she liked him, she didn't think she could tell him right now that she was enjoying the company of a blue eyed footballer.

"There is" Jordan mumbled. "It's that footballer ain't it?" Jordan mumbled, but the tone of his voice changed, and Ashley couldn't quite workout what it was. "That one with the weird name, what is it" Jordan paused. "Christof?" Jordan question as Ashley shook her head. "There's no one else Jord, I just miss my life" Ashley whispered, as Jordan sighed but nodded his head, accepting her answer.

"Well, I can't stop this all from happening Ash, we're getting married whether you like it not" Jordan mumbled, as Ashley nodded her head, forcing a smile on her face. "I need to go anyway, Mums calling" Ashley lied, as she hung up the phone before he could say anything else.

Ashley took one look around the house and realised she would rather be somewhere else.
Somewhere with more alcohol than she had, and somewhere she knew would be a whole lot more fun than here.

And it wasn't long until she was packing a suitcase, throwing everything she thought she would need into it, and headed out of the house, throwing her belongings in the car, but as she slipped into the drivers seat and sat for a moment, the thoughts flying around her head, she couldn't help but let the tears fall down her face.

She was miserable, and she only had herself to blame.

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