Chapter 12 - The Talk

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I entered the house and heard laughter coming from the kitchen. It was pretty late and it made me wonder what everyone was so chippy about. I kicked my shoes off and placed them on the black metal shoe rack by the door. I maneuvered my way to the loud happy voices to see everyone huddled around a stack of papers on the dining table. They were practically glowing.

I cleared my throat and they all snapped their heads towards me. Immediately a huge grin bloomed on Lorenzo's face and he came over to me grabbing my hand in his much larger one. He walked me over to Sandra & Daniel and they both laughed lightly with each other. If Lorenzo was just as in high spirits as everyone else, this had to be good.

"Is this about what you had to talk to us about?" I questioned curiously.

"Yes, I kept it a surprise from all of you because I wasn't sure if the house was gonna be ours." She explained and Daniel wrapped his arm around her shoulders pulling her into his side.

"A house? What do you mean?" I asked.

"I've been saving money up for a while now and I finally was able to come up with enough money to put a down payment on our new home. Grayson, you'll love it. It's beautiful." Her words and the warm smile she gave me were all I needed before crashing into her and Daniel.

They both lost their balance a little but were able to keep themselves from falling. Sandra kissed my forehead and rubbed my back in a comforting way. I didn't want to show how much this affected me because as you can tell I have a hard time showing certain people my emotions. That all failed when the first sob came out of my mouth. I felt Lorenzo come in from behind me and wrapped his arms around all of us.

We all never hugged like this and it made me feel so loved & warm. Something I knew I had but my messed up brain never wanted me to believe so. I knew at this moment that I was always truly loved and taken care of. If it wasn't my brothers it was Sandra or Fern. Dante has even shown that he loved me as a friend and would do anything for me. I was attached to all the people in my life and I wasn't ashamed of it.

We all finally pulled apart and I realized that everyone had been crying. Even my eldest brother, which was rare. I knew my brothers felt the same type of adoration and love as I did for Sandra. This woman was sent from heaven and given to us by God. She changed our lives completely. She spent all her savings to go buy a new home for us when she didn't have to. My heart swelled even more and I swooped down to give her a kiss on the cheek as she was a few inches shorter than me.

"Sandra, you took me and my brothers in when you didn't have to. I always worried about their safety more than my own. I practically raised them and now they have someone else they can look up to that loves them just the same. I will forever be grateful to you. You've been doing so much for us. Thank you." Lorenzo spoke with the highest appreciation.

Sandra was crying throughout the whole short speech. I couldn't do anything else but rub her shoulder because I felt the same level of gratefulness.

"I want to give you boys everything and more. Our new home is just the start." She giggled clearly another surprise was going to be coming our way.

"We want to give you the same. We love you, Sandra." Daniel smiled softly at her and we both nodded our heads agreeing with Daniel's words.

"I love you, boys, too. Now enough with all the tears. Don't tell me you boys went soft on me?" She raised her brow jokingly and we all laughed.

"Oh, never that," Lorenzo smirked while crossing his muscled arms against his chest. His normal attitude was back.

"Bro, you were crying harder than any of us. I thought those dreadful sobs were Grayson's." Daniel chuckled while opening the fridge. He didn't have enough time to notice Lorenzo stepping up behind him and putting him in a headlock.

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