Chapter 14 - Meet My Family

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A soft loving warmth cascaded me like a cocoon. My body tingled softly from the rough yet slightly soft hands placed on my body. One flat on my stomach and another on my hip. I could hear Dante's light snores in my ear and I smiled softly to myself.

Dante's words meant a lot to me yesterday. More than he would know. I knew he was wrong about not telling me about what he does in his free time but I understood his need to protect me from it. I would've done the same in his shoes. It didn't scare me that he's hurt and killed people. It scared me that I could possibly lose him. I've grown attached to him in our time getting to know each other. His presence alone comforted me.

"Good morning, amore." Dante's husky sleep-filled voice whispered.

"Good morning, how did you sleep?" I said softly with a fond smile.

"It was the best sleep I've had in a while." He mumbled and placed a gentle kiss on my shoulder.

"You don't sleep well?" I questioned and he tightened his grip on my hip.

"I barely sleep at all." He sighed before removing his warmth and sliding out of the bed. My brows furrowed together in confusion. He didn't get any sleep? There were times when I've noticed him looking extremely tired but I always passed it off as him spending too much time practicing for basketball games.

He went to his closet pulling out a white tank top. He slid it on his tattooed-covered torso and walked out of the room but not before telling me he would be right back. He closed the door gently and I stayed in his bed looking at the ceiling for a short moment. I was trying to gather my thoughts from the day before.

I heard the ring tone of my phone and I got up from the bed slowly and walked over to my bag. Fern's name was on the screen and I silently cursed. I answered the phone pressing it to my ear.

"I'm sorry-"

"I don't even care just get both your asses over here. Lorenzo is throwing a fit and Daniel is having a fucking panic attack." He whispered-yelled before hanging up not even waiting for me to respond.

I rubbed my fingers into my forehead in slow circles and then walked over to Dante's desk to put my clothes on. After I was dressed with my bag over my shoulder I walked out of Dante's room.

I heard whispered yelling and I pressed myself against the wall that was right before entering the kitchen. I listened quietly and mentally cursed myself for being nosy but I couldn't help myself. I peered my head over a little bit. Just enough to see Dante and his mom in a heated discussion.

"I have to go back to Italy, Ma." Dante sighed.

He was leaving? Is that what he had to tell me last night?

"To do what exactly!?" His mother whispered harshly.

"It's better if you don't know. I'll only be gone for a few days or a week max."

"You're just like your father." She scoffed with a smack of her teeth and Dante gave her a glare.

"I'm nothing like that stronzo." Dante seethed.

"Oh, really? io non sono stupida. I know that you're doing merda illegale. Tryna get yourself killed! Your father did the same shit when we were young." She crossed her arms and looked at him with a pointed look.

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